
5 tips before you choose your menu

Publié par happy-diet mercredi 21 avril 2010

5 tips before you choose your menu


Before you ask about the contents of your plate, do not overlook the practical details that will help you have a good time.
1 / Choose a school you know and who you trust hygiene issue.
2 / Sit in a comfortable chair (with back) and feel free to stuff the seat (at least at the lower back) with your sweater, scarf, stole ...
3 / Stay away from obstacles (table leg, entered the kitchen, front door that opens intermittently on the breeze) and smoking areas (outdoors).
4 / Locate the toilet to overshadow you discreetly and quickly as needed.
5 / Order now arriving in a jug of water and bread to calm your nausea and your hunger to burst.

Please note: only mothers should avoid negative toxo vegetables in restaurants they suspect hygiene.

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