

Publié par happy-diet mercredi 14 avril 2010


In the name of God the Merciful

Dates mine of vitamins called dates mine to the large number of the contents of mineral elements such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, sulfur and chlorine also contains dates also vitamins: a 1 b 2 d as well as sugars easy simple in composition and is characterized by dates several health benefits of the most notable being the tonic to the liver, laxative and increases the sexual power, especially with pine, also addresses the roughness of the throat, one of the most plant nutrition for the body, and eat on an empty stomach kills worms
As well as with Kmqo of the muscles, nerves, and back on aging, and fighting anxiety nervous system and activates the thyroid and unrelenting blood vessels, as it moisturizes the intestine and protect it from weakness and inflammation, and strengthens the rooms of the brain and are struggling dizziness and jink sight, and the inaction and produces urine and cleans the liver and wash the kidney
According to the dates soaked against coughs and bronchitis, as it grapples with fibers constipation and its salts modify the acidity of the blood that cause kidney stones and gall bladder, gout, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure does not prevent dates only for obese and diabetic 00 dates of the best food in the country, hot and cold it is easy to digest (digest Within an hour almost in the stomach) and helps the body get rid of constipation because it has fiber Sliosep help bowel movements on the circularity and the fact that food is dates, fruit, syrup, candy and medicine
And is composed of 21% water, and a large number of vitamins, 1.2% protein, 18% fat, and 73% carbohydrates, and 3% fiber
One kilogram of dates gives the calorific value of the same given by the kilogram of meat, and three times what gives a kilo of fish and moisturizes the intestine Faihfezha of inflammation and weakness, which is rich in sugar grapes and fruit sugar and cane sugar and contains material cut blood pressure for pregnant women, and provide the body heat and vitamin Assistant growth strengthens the nerves, and gives the iron necessary for blood and phosphorus is important to think about and helps to calm and tranquility so it is prescribed for nervous and Thairi temperament as to eat on an empty stomach kills the worms.
For a meal full of dates prefer to drink milk with it.

Dates and benefits

Dates from more kinds of fruit spread, a health food center and natural, and is characterized by dates on many foods enhanced with nutrients for the human body and feeds on the fruit of many people around the world, Valtamor rich in sugar from 65 to 75% as it is rich in minerals and many vitamins

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