
Publié par happy-diet jeudi 29 avril 2010

Secrets of cholesterol foods

Margarine, yogurt, milk drinks and other food supplements promise to reduce cholesterol. And their health claims seem so interesting that mutuals have proposed to repay. Their secret? Phytosterols. But what is it really? Doctissimo conducted the investigation ...

Pro-activ, Danacol, Benecol, Salvékol, Cholegram ... There are countless products that promise to fight against cholesterol. It is true that the problem is size: 17% of adults have cholesterol levels above 2.5 g / l.
Plant Power

The active ingredient in these foods, these are the phytosterols, or plant sterols. They have the distinction of being like cholesterol, they also compete with those from the food, preventing it from being absorbed in the intestine and pass into the blood. Different sterols are used depending on the brand: from sunflower oil (Pro-Activ Fruit d'Or), pine (Cholegram St-Hubert, Reducol products in Carrefour or Champion), sugarcane (Salvekol ), soybean (Danacol Danone), but also rice.

On the packaging, sometimes called sterols, stanols may, in the second case they suffer a small chemical change (they have been hydrogenated to be better integrated with fat)
A fact demonstrated

Is that phytosterols are effective? Many studies have shown their interest. A rate of 2 g per day, they would reduce by just under 10% total cholesterol and 15% rate of bad cholestérol1, 2. The advantage is they have no side effects. They are recommended in case of hypercholesterolemia, even before taking drugs such as statins (cholesterol lowering drug). But for those already on medication, they can be used, further improving the balance sanguin3, 4. Recent studies have shown that all phytosterols do not seem equivalent, thus, that derived from sugar cane, policosanol, will allow a reduction of up to 20% of the bad cholesterol associated with an increase of good cholesterol.

The only drawback with phytosterols: they decrease slightly the absorption of carotenoids and lycopene, it is essential that you eat fruits and vegetables. And these products are expensive. Besides the mutual, which had once proposed to refund the product, agreed to do ....
Which to choose?

Among all brands, which ones? And in what form? Above all, seek the advice of your doctor. Remember that it should reach 1.6 to 3 g per day, which corresponds to three tablespoons of margarine, 3 fortified yogurt or over a pint of milk (or mini-bottle of some brands as Danacol ). Note: paradoxically, it is the margarine that will bring fewer calories for the same amount of plant sterols (unless you take a small bottle). Otherwise you can opt for supplements, (such as Salvékol) at a rate of one to two capsules per meal.

Warning, these fortified foods are exclusively for people who must reduce their cholesterol. Do not exceed 3 g and these foods should not be given to children or pregnant or lactating.

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