
Influenza, modes of transmission and symptoms

Publié par happy-diet mercredi 21 avril 2010

Influenza, modes of transmission and symptoms

Les symptômes de la grippe

All about the flu - its modes of transmission, symptoms - to better combat it.

Influenza is a viral disease highly contagious but mild. It is transmitted by Sneeze, cough, sneezing and hands. Each year, influenza affects millions of French. The first epidemics usually occur in early November.

Influenza viruses are pathogenic for humans are classified into 3 groups (A, B and C). They have the property of their gene transfer, that is to say, to change over time. Thus, new flu viruses emerge each year.

The different stages of the disease
Incubation is a silent phase of a duration of 2 to 5 days.

Then, the state influenza occurs suddenly with a fever above 38.5 ° C: it is the invasion fever with chills, headache, a feeling of general malaise and widespread pain in muscles and joints that can last several days.

Are sometimes accompanied by signs of conjunctival irritation, laryngo-tracheal or bronchial (cough).

Digestive disorders may also occur.

The flu is evolving toward healing in a few days (3 to 5 days, sometimes more) but a period of widespread fatigue can persist for several weeks (recovery). In general, treatment is based on a course of paracetamol (Doliprane ®, ... Efferalgan ®) which has an effect antipyretic (lowers fever) and analgesic (reduces pain). It may be associated with a course of vitamin C to strengthen the defenses of your body. Coughing in turn will generally be treated by a cough or a plasticizer according to its nature.

If the flu is mild for a healthy adult, it can cause complications in a frail person (infants, elderly, chronically ill). Close supervision is necessary.

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