
Colon diseases

Publié par happy-diet mardi 3 novembre 2009

Colon diseases

So aware of the problem in the colon of the nervous system is necessary to know the benefits of the colon which is in cutting the leftovers for up to days, and it absorbs water and mineral salts, and what remains to be paid by the parents of the stool is the body out, and takes colitis muscles wide and long and lowly contraction to push the content of the colon abroad.
Diseases of the colon are outlined in the part of the digestive disorders Alguenat all from the mouth to the anus as a guest disturbed and the muscles and nerves of the digestive system, which increases in bowel movement disorder, which increases the speed of work and diarrhea occur here, or vice versa, accompanied by constipation occurs in both cases is also accompanied by pain in the with a feeling of abdominal bloating
Differ in pain between the shift and the other, but what is agreed is that the place of pain is the lower abdomen, and often go away the pain this topic immediately after defecation, and when there is a disease accompanied by colitis stool be white Bmkhat
There are other symptoms incoming in other parts of the body:
Swell with the large number of gases.
Gargling with a feeling of fullness at the level of intestinal
Yae and fatigue
Sense of satiety and loss of appetite

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