
Publié par happy-diet mardi 10 novembre 2009

Water reduces weight and Iqikmen diseases


Almiphaditp study showed that the lack of drinking water in quantities sufficient to cause serious damage to the body as Almeimthel a large part of the weight of the muscles.

While showing that when the body to the lack of water, it reveals the same reactions caused by stress, such as increased hormonal secretions, and tension, accelerated heart beat. Many of the women's health tips guide that there should drink large quantities of water when you follow the accursed.

Also advised many of the articles in newspapers and magazines Health and beauty to drink eight glasses of water filled Alokulaiumia, which is equivalent to the UK to reach the ideal state of health. You have to know that it is not Takidi The offering yourself in drinking water, and you can drink a lot of different types of fruit juices and more diluted.

And try to Tawwadi you need to drink liquids and soft drinks and bottled drinking caffeine-rich water. Water is the most important materials needed by the body to maintain health, especially as the proportion of its contents are our bodies of water is estimated at 60%. Therefore, you attention to the need to address the water because of the basic elements of Binaalkhalip and conduct chemical reactions that occur within the cells.

And when Ataatnol sufficient quantities of water per day, the cells are withdrawn from the blood, causing disruption in the movement of the blood becomes more viscous. The droughts that occur as a result of shortages of water in the body, even including a 25% reduction, affecting the work and the ability of the brain in the completion of neural interactions.

As the amount of water lost from the body is the brain more vulnerable here, and may fall to the ground rights for the inability of the brain to maintain the body, just drink water. Whenever you feel that the times and the amount of urination has increased, it means you got started Taatstviden of the quantities of water that Chrbinha. You also you'll notice that the color of urine becomes Mailaily light color.

Drinking a large cup

The large drink a glass of water can Alytahedip nerve immediately upon exposure to emotional trauma or excessive pressure, where the stress Ilym water from the body, which generates a sense of dry mouth. So, drink enough and a half liters of water a day to stop this vicious circle.? Recent studies have shown that water plays an important role in reducing weight and protect the rights of diseases, especially malignant ones.

According to Dr. Susan Kleiner, nutritionist of America, the water helps to get rid of toxins, and resistance to hunger, as well as its role in maintaining the flexibility of the joints and prevent kidney stones are painful. She pointed out that the water may also help in the prevention of cancerous tumors such as breast, colon, prostate, kidney, so try eating one and a half liters of water a day and avoid a lot of drinks because they contain salts which encourages the body to store water.

It also stressed the need to increase daily consumption of water, especially at higher temperatures, indicating that drinking 8 glasses of water a day at least with an increase in exercise or work out help in achieving the desired benefits.

This means not to overdo it by drinking large quantities of water where Qald. Heinz Ovaltine, kidney specialist, Faculty of Medicine, Dar Portsmouth in New Hampshire, that there is no scientific evidence to support this advice, which made the people agree to buy mineral water Almabopoinma went everywhere. And what made them leave in their hands always work in times of close to drink juice or tea.

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