
Publié par happy-diet jeudi 15 octobre 2009

Proven that yogurt can alter the body's ability to burn fat, which makes it lose fat and maintain muscle.

This new study by a doctor, "Michael Zimil" a professor of nutrition at the University of Tennessee and found
That individuals who ate yogurt skimmed weights have lost much more than losing others were following low-calorie diet only.

The yogurt eaters lost 22% of the weight and 61% of total body fat, and 81% of fat in the abdominal area more of the group that did not address the yogurt and only low-calorie diet, in a period of 12 weeks.

The loss of fat from the abdominal area is a good thing too as the most dangerous types of weight gain are those where there are fat in this region, which is similar to the apple-shaped body, where the percentage of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some cancers.

And helped to eat calcium-rich yogurt to have more than an inch in size compared to the center who did not eat yogurt, where the researchers that the proportion of calcium in the diet that stimulates the body to burn more fat and not be new quantities of it in the body.

The researchers believe that the little food in calcium increases the production of fat-producing enzymes, and reduces the activity of enzymes that break the fat, the result is fat cells larger and more fat.

Hence the advice of researchers addressing skimmed yogurt and rich in calcium, which contains only 100 calories in a cup containing 180 grams, and three times a day.

This rich yogurt Balcaliswm maintain bone density, muscle mass, also increases the loss of fat
. And other recent studies have shown that the rate of eating yogurt daily reduces the risk of colon cancer, which causes the third highest rate of death from cancer in the United States

Milk fat and proteins, address cholesterol, blood pressure and find full-fat yogurt to defend him also, as some scientists found that the fatty acids found in dairy products is in fact neutral in terms of content Alchollstruli but is also decreases cholesterol.

As has been proven that dairy proteins have a proven ability to improve dental health and preservation of tooth decay and also bone density.

Other studies have shown that some sort of milk proteins can lower high blood pressure, so that Japan produced a therapeutic compound that contains this protein has proven effective in reducing high blood pressure.

The researchers say that the milk contains more than 400 fatty acid, and many of these fatty acids have the ability to protect against serious chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and circulatory system.

Studies have shown that there is a relationship between intake of these fatty acids and low incidence of breast cancer in women at the age of stops ovulation.

Studies show that the cheddar cheese and yogurt are similar in their capabilities therapeutic food.

The beneficial bacteria in yogurt are also produced many of the vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B-12, vitamin A, K, a vitamin essential to life. Many important health benefits found in this delicious food, light, and the greatest hidden, so that scientists now believe that the food of the future,

This yogurt .. Old .. Talk is full of secrets .. Prove the validity of the argument Hippocrates Tabyib great Greeks:
"Make your food is your medicine and your medicine your food is

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