Fish in cold areas.
Dr Edward Suarez, Professor of Clinical Psychology University Medical Center (Duke) through periodicals (Psychology Today): (in countries such as Japan and China, where fish is a constant of the constants of dietary habits, it was noted that the rates of depression is lower than in the United States). Why? It's a bunch of fat contained in fish, called the (omega-3), which is compatible by Dr Elizabeth Sommer, professor of Clinical Nutrition and author of (food and mood), Fbastavad fish food wasted a chance to get a range of important omega-3 fats, which A lack of supply for the body to make a person more vulnerable to depression, this article there is a high concentration in the brain, and constitute up to 50% of fats, nerve tissue, and scholars have noted increased rates of depression in the last century due to the low address the people of foods on this article. Explains Dr. Suarez, depending on what the research conducted, that (the low level of omega-3 lead to decreased cholesterol useful in circulation, and this hinders the use of brain serotonin is responsible for organizing the mood of the person, which may lead to depression or tension).
Accordingly, it recommends that Dr. Sommer should not neglect the fish in our diet, especially fish in cold areas salmon, mackerel, herring and tuna white, because these fish contain a higher proportion of omega-3. Those who do not like fish, there are other good alternatives for these fat-elevating minds, including: walnut oil, walnuts and canola oil and linseed oil, food and fish oil capsules is a useful addition in this context. It should be noted that saturated fats are found in full-fat dairy and fatty meats, and articles containing omega-6 fat as oil sunflower and safflower oil or safflower, all of these reduce the effectiveness of omega-3, and alcohol and smoking reduced the level of these fat refreshing ! Perhaps this is why we marvel at our ancestors because they recommend not to eat fish with milk before the discovery of the omega-3 hundreds of years, and wonder, as many of our contemporaries do not have a complete fun eating fish only (incarcerating him) a cigarette or Orgelp, as if they are wasting they obtained from some Weapons of anti-depressants, in a time multiplies the reasons for depression.
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