
Publié par happy-diet lundi 1 février 2010

Laser skin - what should be tariff

Lasers are increasingly used as a cosmetic, but you can remove laser hair?

Are almost every year for the invention and adoption of a new laser under (mitigation or reduction of hair). We would therefore like to draw attention to the use of lasers to get rid of hair permanently is not happening only in a few cases.

Advertising campaigns for laser hair removal laser provides a way to be trusted to get rid of hair permanently, while the laser in fact help to reduce the hair only. And laser hair removal requires several sessions to see the results and often requires follow-up sessions to maintain the results. In general, the use of laser hair removal is safe, easy and relatively painless. And must be used under the supervision of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon is qualified to do so. Sometimes it happens Laser unwanted side-effects such as skin lightening or darkening. Possible to use laser hair removal safe from most areas of the body.

Laser is also used to address the dark areas, moles, and tattoos. In general, the results of the use of lasers on the face are better than the legs. It is not surprising that some cases require more than one session of laser and one set back, and sometimes even after successful treatment.

The company is currently also using a laser to treat wrinkles. But these forms of laser surgery carry a risk of causing scars, skin lightening, redness long-term and difficult to repair, and secondary infection in some cases. It could be painful. Therefore, the choice of doctor is very important, it must be using a laser expert and qualified to do so.

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