
The definition of pancreatic cancer:

Publié par happy-diet lundi 19 juillet 2010

The definition of pancreatic cancer:

Is the abnormal growth and uncontrolled to the cells of the pancreas, and be either in the head of the pancreas, body or tail.

Has no specific symptoms and this is why the difficulty of diagnosis, but may sometimes be hidden in the image of an inflammation of the gall bladder, and upper abdominal pain accompanied by a pebble bitterness.

Believe that there is substance in the body play a role in the emergence and growth of cancer cells, and the continuation of the pancreas and is NF-Kappa B. It is also an addiction to alcohol and pancreatic inflammation are important causes of occurrence.

1. Action ultrasound of the abdomen.
2. Work of the CT scan of the abdomen.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical removal in 10% to 15% of cases only.
2. Bsitapin chemotherapy (Gemzar).

No methods of protection from

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