
Menopause increases cholesterol «bad»

Publié par happy-diet lundi 14 décembre 2009

Menopause increases cholesterol «bad»

WASHINGTON - UPI - A new study finds that the menopause may increase cholesterol «bad» in the blood of women sharply, but there is no dramatic changes in regard to the risk of heart attack or stroke, or cardiovascular disease.
The researcher Karen Matthews, who prepared the study, a professor of psychology and epidemiology at the University of St. Petersburg in the study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, «This means that when women approaching menopause are supposed to check the level of fats in the blood».
Two other studies reported that taking high doses of drugs «statins» lowering cholesterol level «bad», a «LDL» have benefits in the long run, unlike low doses that may not prevent the onset of cardiac arrest, the prevention of cardiovascular disease and early death.
Matthews said that the study included more than 3 thousands of an American woman since 1996, was meant to «try to understand the changes that women experience during the life», and within that stops menstruation due to low hormone «estrogen», one of the female hormones in studying ovary, depending on its activity when they reach the age of menopausal women.

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