
Prostate cancer

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 10 décembre 2009

Prostate cancer


For a professor, Dr. Samir al-Samarrai specialist treatment and surgery, urinary tract and male genitalia, and infertility Dubai occupies prostate cancer ranks second after lung cancer in men, studies indicate that among every four men over the age of 65 years, three of whom were infected prostate tumors, these tumors impede the entry into force of urine flow in normal, with the aging of these tumors can be transformed into a malignant form, which affects 30% of men over the age of fifty years. Plays the early diagnosis of diseases, including prostate disease, an important role in reducing complications, and the success of treatment methods possible, it is known that the anal examination was the only way to diagnose prostate cancer earlier, but this method were not accurate for the diagnosis of tumors that push the limits of the prostate, and then With the development of medical science and the early seventies emerged modern techniques helped to accurate diagnosis of voice resembled higher installed, and others, in the eighties has been approved by some medical organizations to test the blood of anti-serum of the prostate, which symbolizes a shortcut (PSA) in order to detect the protein that is produced by cancer cells gland

Prostate, and this test gives good results in early diagnosis of cancerous tumors, in spite of the presence of cancerous tumors in the prostate which do not produce this Albrootinn, as well as the case may be this protein in the blood to rise despite the absence of cancerous tumors in the prostate cancer prostatic proliferation either in the body occurs in a dilapidated state of some cancer cells, which leads to the exit and the liberation of the ingredient from its association with the template member or pain in the affected area where the initial invading the vascular wall and live there within the cavity of blood and then the cancer cells invade the circulation of the gland and on The next step is for the event's inception, the blood cancer, which facilitates its part, the invasion of cancer cells into the vascular space, and after the invasion of vascular cells may be moved through the circulatory system and bloody book at the base of the pot poetry by the target, and then leakage occurs and growth of the cancer in the target organ and advises the American Cancer Society to hold ( PSV a) Each man was from Uncle session each year, and younger people at risk of developing this cancer, regardless of age. According to the results of this test can be the doctor to assess the health status of the person, if the test result was less than four Nanogramat / ml, that would indicate the prostate healthy, but if the result exceeded ten Nanogramat / Almlilir Vaalmarb Have the risk of prostate cancer is very high, "but if the result is between four to ten Nanogramat / Almlilir This means that the patient falls within the risk of prostate cancer, according to that thought This test is the only one which is characterized by high Bojabip to identify prostate cancer is usually used with the examination of the prostate for the investigation of anal cancer incidence in the thyroid, because the high value high if one takes into account the time factor that could help men diagnosed with prostate cancer, short-term changes in the value of this test can not be used alone to differentiate between men with prostate cancer or non-infected

According to one study by Carter and his team of researchers, the increase in the value of testing (a PSA) to see more than% 0.75 nanograms / Almlilir each year is a qualitative indication of prostate cancer, and to assess the condition and prostate cancer should preferably be taken three values for this test During the period of time for studies that reward a researcher Kadmon on patients and on the basis of the above advise every man reached the age of fifty should see a doctor regularly to make sure health and safety of the prostate gland, treatment by curative treatment available before the occurrence of any complications,

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