
Publié par happy-diet vendredi 12 mars 2010

Dysphagia ... May be accompanied by reflux of food into the respiratory tract and sometimes exposed patients to repeated vomiting

Reflected power of the Creator Almighty when you reflect on the blessings and countless If we feel that through one of those graces which is the ability to swallow food on an ongoing basis and all that reached in the development of modern medicine and knowledge but the complex mechanism of this process proximity is fully understood what is required is the accuracy of the infinite in terms of tempo and timing, we thank God for the blessing, and to recognize the importance of it gets into some situations that may lead to dysphagia, causes and possible outcomes in the future.

Filed dysphagia or difficulty swallowing, where the injured part to (Mriii and throat) may be due to a bug in the nerves or muscles surrounding the course of normal eating.

And must be distinguished from the other two cases, namely the bit Alheistrep (which is prevalent in people living where they feel concerned about the existence of mass in the throat without the presence of an organic cause) The second situation is painful swallowing (where the patient feels pain when swallowing and usually result in inflammation of the esophagus caused by gastro-esophageal echo or
microbial infection of the esophagus.

One of the reasons leading to dysphagia:

1 cases at the start of ingestion, such as: the presence of neurological dysfunction or muscle tissue pharynx or upper esophagus was determined.

2 cases after ingestion (during the passage of food into the esophagus), including: esophageal stenosis, or malignant or benign disorder in the movement of the esophagus compatibility (which is usually from top to bottom to guide the food) and some drugs used may be a cause of dysphagia, and there are cases due to distortions in the course of swallowing from birth did not show impact only later, in addition to other causes, but less frequent.

The situation has been accompanied by reflux food into the airway inflammation in patients exposed to the throat and sinuses, ears, and acute respiratory infections and chronic diseases, the situation has been accompanied by a severe lack of appetite and weight, the patient lacks the essential parts of the food to build and maintain the body and, in some instances the victim of repeated vomiting may be accompanied by internal bleeding. When the sense of (God forbid) one of these symptoms in conjunction with difficulty swallowing should consult a doctor to check on him and the work of detection and the necessary tests to ensure proper treatment and if necessary, and long as you health and well-being.

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