It is a crisis of violent muscular contractions and uncontrollable, occurring in a context of anxiety or frustration as a result. It is a very common problem that affects mainly young women. The term tetany is often incorrectly used to spasmophilia because tetanus is a genuine reduction of calcium in the blood (serum calcium). The cause of spasmophilia about it is very controversial. For some doctors it is a temporary and transient decrease in serum calcium and magnesium, for others it is an acute manifestation of anxiety that the Anglo-Saxons call panic attack, for still others, it is modern form of hysteria.
The crisis
* This crisis occurs most often after an annoyance or in a situation of significant anxiety. The heat containment, work in offices or reporting relationships important to work are often the immediate causes.
* Sometimes the person feels that a crisis will occur, she becomes agitated, worried. But sometimes it falls upon him. Tingling come in his hands and around his mouth.
* Then the crisis rises gradually shaking occurs, the muscles of his arms contract. At his hands, extended fingers are close against each other, to give very specific form of labor midwife: the tip of the thumb is closer to the other four fingers. The person has more and more difficult to breathe she breathes quickly and widely, his head spinning a bit. It is contracted from everywhere.
* But what is most impressive is how she feels. According to people a number of sensations occur, often with the same words from print, printing die, the quickened heartbeat, heart oppression, lack of air, which stops the heart etc.. All the signs are around vital symptoms affecting the heart and respiration.
All of these signs warrant a call to the doctor.
What you can do
Two possibilities:
You are sure it is a crisis spasmophilia
* First, try not to panic (not easy): saying that you are not risking their lives because nobody ever died of a heart spasmophilia.
* The best thing is to get everyone in the room. Isolate the person in his entourage with you locking her in her bedroom for example. Do not leave her alone. Move away from dangerous of the (windows) and spread quietly dangerous items (weapons, knives, etc..)
* Attitudes to adopt: defuse the situation, reassure and listen to him speak in person accusatory: "It will calm down," the doctor will relieve you, "it's normal, you have the right to crack, etc.. Do not try to reason with, objection to its speech or otherwise to come inside. Try to be calm and neutral as possible. In general, especially if you're embarrassed, you unload on the arrival or impending physician consultation. Let her talk as much as possible of what troubled her.
* If his doctor has already prescribed, look in his pharmacy and anxiolytic family give him a tablet under the tongue.
* If it tingling in hands or around the mouth, or if it breathes so fast and intense, let him breathe his own air in a plastic bag. For that, take a large bag, open it to contain already the air and tell him to put the opening round his mouth (not on the head!). Make breathe as slowly as possible.
Not sure
In this case, ask the medical care and failing to Samu (15), or firefighters (18). They will send you the appropriate relief.
In the meantime, try to calm the person without interfering in any way (that sometimes it is most difficult).
The attitude of the doctor
In emergency
Usually the crisis is so impressive that the entourage turned to Samu or firefighters. But in almost all cases the appeal is excessive because the crisis pass with a simple injection. Therefore in most cases, the doctor on the phone regulator does not send medical team and delegates a general practitioner or casualty officer who will move on site. The doctor will quickly diagnose and through an injection calm the crisis. Sometimes the mere presence of the doctor and listen enough to what the crisis passes. The crisis was resolved in about ten minutes, without any sequelae.
Seizures are very rare because they occur mainly at home or at work. The doctor then typically reconstructs the crisis by the simple examination of what happened. He then prescribed a DMARD supervised by counseling.
Once the crisis is over, treatment is based on several factors:
* Magnesium oral or oral calcium. Usually the choice is made for either drug. If calcium is required, there will probably also associated with vitamin D. This treatment is then more available to tetany.
* Anxiolytics.
* Psychotherapy. Especially this treatment allows control of these crises that are the foundation more often lived badly or psychological problems within the scope of psychosomatic.
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