
Publié par happy-diet jeudi 11 mars 2010

Infected children and adolescents following trauma to the anguish, as is the case with adults, but they differ in its image and its negative effects, according to the age and stage of developmental maturity of the child and adolescent.

Can result from trauma, physical abuse and neglect, sexual assault and abduction of children, and watch the suicide killing of a friend or family member, animal bites or stray dogs, or severe burns, or natural disasters: such as floods, hurricanes, cyclones, and others.

Exacerbates the psychological trauma and its negative effects on the child or adolescent, according to their proximity to the site of a disaster, and the degree of horror Kalmhahd vessels, and the nature of emotion and their parents after a disaster or involved in their care positively or negatively affect their children and the capacity of endurance, the more the parents are honest with their children to express their feelings towards the disaster, objectively and realistically with the show of support and Almaaddp, the response of boys are more positive and their ability to overcome the trauma faster and less expensive.

The diagnosis of post-trauma distress the individual is exposed when the disaster caused by the threat to his life or the lives of others, or a violation of humanity, responds in a cloud of fear and intense, showing a psychological emotions directly after the disaster, or during the first weeks, known as acute trauma disorder (Acute Stress Disorder), or after a long time defines psychological trauma following the carb (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Different statistical studies and scientific research to determine the incidence of post-trauma distress among children and adolescents, some of them indicates that 14-43 per cent of children go through the experience and at least one of catastrophic trauma in their lives, and 3-15 per cent of female children and 1 -- 6 per cent of male children may suffer the psychological trauma of the distress.

And manifestations of trauma of the carb vary according to age and mental maturity and social growth and the balance of previous experience, some may suffer anxiety and fear for a short time what would soon dispelled any such concerns, particularly when they have the care, protection and psychological Almaaddp by the parents.

On the other hand may suffer other chronic disorders such as fear, depression, anxiety and general psychological, and parental separation anxiety, panic attacks, and bouts of violence and anger, and avoiding activities or places of note by the disaster, and attempts to harm self or others and the risky behaviors characterized or Alandfaip, in addition to complications resulting from the previously Kalmcclat family or deterioration of educational attainment and frequent absences from school and not wanting to do usual activities or hobbies.

Symptoms of early childhood.
Phase characterized the first years of life (childhood) manifestations of the general non-specific fear and attempts to escape from facts or premises may not be connected or may be associated with anguish, as they have copied in the course of playing with the facts and events of anguish, accompanied by sleep disturbance and sometimes setback developmental model of skills previously acquired Kaltbol and involuntary defecation, as for very young children may not suffer, they may appear negative psychological responses are limited.

Symptoms of the study:
Phase characterized by school-age (late childhood) that children do not suffer stress events retrieved Amnesia visual flashbacks or as adults, but they can be confusing when trying to stress events retrieved from memory in what is known as «time skew», as they may think the importance of forecasting a distress through the warning signs, where they can be avoided in the so-called «Omen formation».

It may also seem Mstti thought, arousal, irritable Alarataab, and express their concerns to the complaint of some physical symptoms that do not have clear medical reasons, such as abdominal pain and headaches.

And may sometimes express their suffering from trauma through drawing, or emulate them to the events of the disaster in during game play.

For example: a child who has been the fire could spark Aharaigazz

Another example: to hide under things, as if exposed to a hurricane.

As for the adolescents (12-18 years), it can appear similar to the one the trauma experienced by adults, such as disaster recovery events in the vigilance and through dreams and imagination and painful facts and try to escape and get away from everything that reminds them, accompanied by psychological emotions quickly, sleep disorders, poor concentration, or feelings of depression and the desire to commit suicide, as some of them may resort to alcohol or drug abuse.

But they are distinct from adults in expressing shock or by incorporating some of the facts in their daily lives, as well as behavior characterized by violence and Alandfaip.

Although some children and adolescents may get better with time and disappear them psychological trauma following the anguish, the proportion of them continue to suffer that did not receive appropriate treatment.

Hence the importance of early identification of injured trauma or who are more vulnerable to infection because they receive support and treatment required.

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