
Polycystic kidney disease

Publié par happy-diet vendredi 12 mars 2010

Polycystic kidney disease

Is polycystic kidney disease of health problems is important. Several of the patients the most common types of polycystic kidney disease autosomal dominant (ADPKD) affects between 500:1 to 2000:1 of people. A Msowl often for almost 4-7% of cases of renal failure developed in Saudi Arabia. There is currently no medical intervention, either pharmacological or other lead to the healing of this disease. If our efforts are directed mainly to deal with the complications of different types of the disease to the patient to reach the final stage of renal failure. Has occurred in previous years, tremendous progress in research in polycystic kidney disease with many potential new treatments that are looming on the horizon. Many of the advances, diagnosis and treatment of polycystic kidney disease, including genetic diagnosis and minimal surgery, the overall problems of echinococcosis of the kidney, liver, and the expected new drugs and clinical treatments promising and promising to improve care for patients who have polycystic kidney disease significantly. Because polycystic kidney disease is a major cause of late-stage kidney disease has developed, Saudi King Faisal Specialist Hospital program for polycystic kidney disease in a manner multi-tasking. The goal is to recognize the disease early and stop the progress of renal failure in its early stages in addition to the community's awareness of this disease.

Signs and symptoms:

The patient can be infected with polycystic kidney disease for years without feeling any symptoms or signs of the disease. The symptoms begin (polycystic kidney disease) usually appear between the ages of thirty and forty of the disease may begin to appear early in childhood may include the following:

* Pain in the back or sides or abdomen. The pain may be temporary or continuing; or have a slight or severe.

* Headache.

* Urinary tract infections.

* Haswa kidney.

* High blood pressure.

* The appearance of blood in the urine (bloody urine).

* Bags in the liver and pancreas.

* Swelling of the abdomen.

* Swelling of the walls of blood vessels in the brain.

* Small bags in the intestine to swell abroad through the colon.

* Ill heart valves.


In most cases of polycystic kidney disease is not prevalent in patients symptoms and physical condition appears normal for many years, and therefore may continue without the disease could be noticeable. May vary kidney damage and speed of progression of the disease. The results also vary substantially Photos kidneys by the age of the patient and other factors. And have the younger patients less bags and smaller. Therefore, doctors have developed specific criteria for the diagnosis of the disease with the results of kidney images based on the age of the patient. For example, the emergence of three bags or more in each college at the age of 30 years in the patient infected with the disease, the family, therefore, stresses polycystic kidney disease autosomal dominant.

There are several diagnostic methods to detect the size and number of cysts, including:


This is the most common method in the diagnosis. A safe, effective and inexpensive. The images are used ultrasound injection of any dyes or radiation are safe for all patients, including pregnant women. But these rays may not show small-sized bags.

CT computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging:

It is more accurate than ultrasound. Bags and can detect small diameter, 2 or 3 mm are reliable, but both are charged with functions that are involved may not in all clinics.

Genetic screening:

Diagnosis can be made of genetic screening which detects changes in the genes of polycystic kidney disease, known as the prevailing (PKD1) and (PKD2). This examination can detect these genetic changes before the development of large cysts.

With the ability to detect the gene that causes the disease that does not mean to predict the severity of symptoms or disease. In addition that there is no specific treatment for the disease at this time. And provide the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, for all our patients and their relatives genetic screening for several reasons that the young man known as genetic transformation of polycystic kidney disease may be able to avoid the loss of renal function by following the diet and the necessary control at the level of fat and blood pressure. It can also use genetic screening to determine whether it was possible for any individual man of the family suffers from polycystic kidney disease to donate a kidney to someone else with an infected family.

In addition, some may wish to individuals who have a family background in the incidence of polycystic kidney disease in childhood to know the possibility of gene transfer to any child or not. And get our patients on the advice necessary to understand and comprehend the implications of genetic screening.


Unfortunately there is no specific medical intervention has been adopted to prevent or delay progress polycystic kidney disease. At this time are directed treatment for patients with specific measures such as controlling blood pressure and control the fat and thereby prevent progression of the disease and reduce injuries heart and blood vessels. In addition to adjuvant therapies such as pain control and treatment of infections associated with.

Of the important actions to be taken is the health education about the disease and follow-through by a doctor, kidney specialist. This is done in cooperation between primary health care and hospitals switch to the nearest kidney specialist.

Here are some important tips for any patient with polycystic kidney disease:

1 - Control blood pressure and ask the doctor about the most appropriate medicines and reduce weight if necessary.

2 - control diet appropriate for the kidneys.

3 - Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) and some types of aspirin (such as Aksideren)

4 - Treatment of urinary tract infections under the direct supervision of a physician in charge.

5 - Avoid the use of any medication without consulting a doctor, especially medications containing ibuprofen and naproxen.

6 - Maintaining the exercise such as walking or swimming or any sport flowing.

2 commentaires

  1. The kidney in the human body is too vital an organ to be ignored. Their principal role is to cleanse the blood off the impurities that accumulate as a result of other organ activities. When kidneys fail to carry out their role as was intended by nature, the first casualty is the quality of blood circulating through the body.
    The Manipal Group of Hospitals has extensive facilities for treating Polycystic Kidney Disease symptoms

  2. Anonyme Says:
  3. Treating Polycystic Kidney Disease involves actually dealing with the symptoms, signs and complications. To control the patient’s high blood pressure is actually the most significant part of its treatment. Treatment can include medication for blood pressure, pain medication,low-sodium diet; antibiotics in order to treat UTI, diuretics, in order to drain out cysts surgery can be suggested to help relieving the discomfort, in case of advanced PKD, kidney transplant and dialysis may be required. One or even both kidneys might need to get removed. Herbs Solutions By Nature offers Reneton, a product which can treat the disease successfully without causing any possible side effects.


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