
Australian Lemongrass

Publié par happy-diet mardi 9 mars 2010

Australian Lemongrass

عشبة الليمون الأسترالية

Australian study published in the Griffith University website "The Gold Coast Bulletin," that the herb lemon local Kalospirin useful in eliminating headaches, as well as other high medical benefits.

Darren Grace said study co-author of Medicine, the study demonstrated the value of the plant treatment, and headaches, including the sister syndrome, a disease which causes abnormal activities in the body, such as changing levels of the hormone serotonin and interference in the natural function of Cefaihna vessels, adding that platelets accumulate together to heal the wound, but they are also life-threatening tumor thrombus, preventing oxygen from reaching the brain and causing strokes.

Grace conducted a test of the plant extracts on human platelets showed Contents biologically active Sun is strong, and the component is "Aleugenol", similar to the component that is located aspirin, indicating that the compound prevents platelets from gathering and sorting of serotonin, is also responsible for controlling appetite and mood, sleep and cramps, and other .

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