
Foods containing substances useful for the brain food

Publié par happy-diet dimanche 7 mars 2010

Foods containing substances useful for the brain food

Discussed the types of healthy food helps your body to muscle growth and maintain the infrastructure required for it. There are also other benefits of healthy food, and these benefits.

Improve mood and stimulate brain function. It is these foods .1 oats. Oat. One of the best foods that will help get the brains of an ideal

And healthy. And he was quick to prepare and contains a protein that helps in the slow release carbohydrates in the body.

2. Grapes. Grape is a fruit, which is ranked first for the protein and antioxidants, which prevent the brain from injury, pressure oxidation and

Beautiful grapes retain its benefits, whatever the method of preparation. Whether fresh or frozen or dried, where he remained the same delicious flavor that gives you the risk of disaster

An ideal and healthy.

3. Raisins. Raisins foods useful for the brain because they contain an excellent source of boron which is an improved motor performance and visual, helping to

Strengthening the focus and memory. There is also a boron in the nuts, almonds and dried apricots.

4. Eggs. The eggs of nutrients that contain choline tremendously. It is important to address the egg whites and yolk also for the item

Food is required. So when the exhausted intellectually tried to get some eggs before going to work.

It is food that also contains choline. Broccoli. Alcflor, potatoes and bananas.

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