
Rh incompatibility - The factor Rizaus

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 4 mars 2010

Rh incompatibility - The factor Rizaus

Is one of the main causes of intellectual disability that can prevent them from occurring, and I said its incidence is currently in testing and knowledge of blood group of parents, and predicted the event before it happens, as a handler for the discovery of anti-physical, very close attention to the pregnant mother and fetus after birth.

Types of Blood Type:
Rh know of two types:
base type o blood type is A, B, AB, O
o Agent Rizaus Rehsus a positive Rh + or negative Rh-, and have found that 80% of people carry such positive + Rizaus factor, and that the dominant quality and genetically, that is to be positive when the fetus found at one of the parents (mother, father)
A person who, for example blood group A and factor Rizaus Rehsus positive Rh +, the so-called A +
A person who, for example blood group A and factor Rizaus Rehsus negative Rh-, the so-called A -
Thus, the rest of the species

The difference of blood type between mother and fetus:
Fetus acquires blood type of the parents through genetic factors, if has acquired the characteristics of the father and was different from the parent, there are probabilities of multiple:
o If the mother carries such positive (Rh +), and the fetus carries such negative (Rh-), there is no problem on the fetus and the baby after birth
o If the mother carries such negative (Rh-) and the fetus carries such positive (Rh +) there is a problem is unexpected incompatibility of blood type - Agent Rizaus
o If there is a difference in the original blood type AB-AB-O between the child and mother, there may be a simple problem is not the seriousness of the situation prior

How up problems in blood group incompatibility - Agent Rizaus?
If the mother carries such negative (Rh-) and the embryo carries such positive (Rh +) there is a problem is unexpected incompatibility of blood type - Rizaus factor, but the red blood cells is not transmitted through the placenta, how composed the problem?
With abortion or childbirth, the first there is bleeding fetal blood, and move some of the red blood cells from the fetus to the mother through minor injuries and very small in the placenta and reproductive system.
Red blood cells that contain such positive (Rh +), and then you activate the mother's immune system to remove the pellets from the mother's blood because they are considered alien - a foreign body, antibiotics and remains in the mother's body in the memory of the immune system.
When the second birth, the mother's body and the memory of their immunization containing antibiotics, and the small size of these antibiotics it can cross through the placenta to reach the fetus, and then the antibiotics to attack fetal blood _ red blood cells) and broken down, leading to multiple problems such as anemia - rain - increase the proportion of jaundice - poisoning the nervous system - mental retardation - and others.

How can I prevent problems in the incompatibility of blood type - Agent Rizaus?
Can prevent problems in the incompatibility of blood type - Agent Rizaus through quality medical care, and follow-up during pregnancy and before birth, and through the following points:
o Follow-up pregnancy
o know the blood type of the mother - may need to know the blood group of the father
o If the mother carries such negative (Rh-) and the embryo carries such positive (Rh +), must be given to the mother-specific antigen is the elimination of antibodies produced by the mother, and called Rhogam, after all the birth or abortion.
o Follow-up to the fetus through the sound rays to determine the presence of complications or not
o When there are complications may need to intervene early during pregnancy in specialized centers, may need to change the fetal blood
o Follow-up to the child after birth to determine the proportion of yellow (jaundice) has, through analysis of blood
o when the high proportion of yellow (jaundice) specific degrees may need to be placed under strict control, such as putting it under a certain light (bulb-specific and not unusual), may be needed to make a change of blood.

Why does not the difference of the original blood type A-B-AB-O to the same problem?
The answer is that antibodies in studying the immune system against such large size IGG, and thus can not cross through the placenta and therefore can not lead to problems in the fetus, but after birth can lead to broken blood and jaundice, and may be dangerous, but it is less dangerous than the difference of working Rihsus.

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