
Challenge of dietary fiber

Publié par happy-diet vendredi 21 mai 2010

Challenge of dietary fiber

Today, the major trend is to diets grade "low fat" and "low sodium". While these concerns have a dietary influence on the choices made in the preparation of daily meals, the enthusiasm they generate should not make you forget the fiber, an essential component of a healthy diet. The estimated daily intake of the majority of people in Canada is about half the 21 g to 38 g recommended. Not only dietary fiber regulate the stool (and we all know why this is important), but some types of dietary fiber can help lower cholesterol levels too high. Challenge of dietary fiber at / en_CA / challenge and discover the difference firsthand.
Dietary fiber, what are they exactly?

Dietary fiber is mainly plant constituents of our diet and digestion process does not deteriorate. They are moving therefore relatively intact throughout your digestive tract, from the stomach, small intestine and colon before being expelled out of your body (unlike other foods that your body takes nutrients) .

Dietary fiber is 2 kinds: insoluble and soluble. Among the sources of insoluble fiber found in whole grains and shell many fruits and vegetables. Sources of soluble fiber include oats especially, legumes, brown rice, fruits and green vegetables. Psyllium, a plant native to India, is one of the best sources of soluble dietary fiber. By supplementing your diet with a product like Metamucil, which contains two types of dietary fiber, you have a better chance of achieving the recommended daily intake.

Why eat fiber?

In general, dietary fiber helps normalize bowel movements by increasing their volume and softening them. Bulky stools progressing more easily along the intestine and the risk of constipation is lower. Because insoluble fiber does not break down in water, they pass unchanged through the digestive tract where they increase stool volume. Their presence helps to prevent constipation and improve the health of the colon.

Some types of soluble dietary fibers dissolve in water and form a gel in the digestive tract. When consumption complements a diet low in fat, they can contribute to lower total cholesterol by lowering the rate of low density lipoprotein (LDL) "bad" cholesterol. Studies have shown that increased intake of dietary fiber (eg. Psyllium fiber) can have a very favorable effect on LDL cholesterol.
How could you increase your contribution?

Canada's Food Guide recommends that you increase fiber intake in your diet by preparing your meals and snacks from foods rich in dietary fiber. You should eat daily 5-12 servings of grain products and 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables to meet the recommended daily intake. The inclusion of an extra amount of fiber to your diet should be gradual and not forgetting to drink plenty of water. Learn more by visiting / en_CA / challenge.

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