
Publié par happy-diet vendredi 21 mai 2010


In general, the doctor suspects a lung cancer when chest radiograph showed a shadow on a lung. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor is analyzing sputum. The doctor can confirm the lesion with a CT scan of the chest and use this picture to take a biopsy (a sample) of the lesion through a long needle inserted into the thoracic cavity. Usually, doctors use a device to directly observe the bronchi: the bronchoscope is inserted into the trachea into the bronchi. This examination is called bronchoscopy. A biopsy may also be performed during bronchoscopy. This process involves taking a tissue sample from the tumor to examine under the microscope then. A surgeon may also take a sample of tissue during surgery, after an incision in the chest.
Treatment and Prevention

By stage of the tumor, lung cancer can be treated with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, each strategy can be used alone or in combination with one another. The treatment or combination of treatments best suited to each patient is chosen depending on the type of lung cancer and stage of the tumor, the overall health of patients, side effects of treatment and opportunities to cure disease, relieve symptoms or prolong the patient's life.

Surgical treatment is appropriate only when the cancer is small and confined to one lung, provided that the other lung or healthy enough to provide lung function alone. When the surgeon removes the entire lung, the procedure is called and when pneumonectomy removes only part of the lung, it is called lobectomy. It was during surgery that the doctor decides the extent of pulmonary resection. Although 10% to 35% of lung cancer tumors can be surgically removed, surgery does not always cure the cancer. Surgery is recommended only for people whose health is good and who show no signs of metastases. In the presence of a cardiac or other serious lung condition, surgery is not an option.

Radiation therapy can treat lung cancer that has invaded other tissues or sitting too close to the trachea. In patients who are severely affected, radiotherapy aims to prevent the growth of the tumor rather than trying to destroy it completely. Radiation therapy can help control bone pain syndrome, compression of the superior vena cava and the compression of nerves in the spinal cord, due to the growth of cancer cells.

Chemotherapy that is to say, the administration of anticancer drugs, is only effective in the treatment of small lung cancer cells. When cancer is diagnosed, in general, it has already invaded other tissues of the body. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy is to prevent the spread of cancer cells or kill them.

The best chances of recovery are seen in people with the cancer was detected, excised surgically or treated at an early stage. 15% to 30% of surgery for lung cancer survive five years. However, if the tumor produces metastases outside the chest, the cancer can usually be cured.

A person who was diagnosed with lung cancer should undergo regular check-ups. From 6% to 12% of those who were operated for lung cancer have a recurrence of cancer. This percentage is even higher among people who continue to smoke after surgery. It is possible to prevent lung cancer, and quitting is the first most important step. There are several effective ways and treatments to quit smoking. See our article on this subject.

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