Dried Fruits are among the foods to foster in our daily diet as they meet the nutritional goals set in the National Nutrition Program of Health (PNNS launched in January 2001 by the Ministry of Health):
They contribute to the increased consumption of fruits & Vegetables
-t hey are a source of calcium, a mineral essential
Indirectly, they promote lower intakes of saturated fatty acids (especially by providing fatty acids monounsaturated and polyunsaturated)
They are rich in carbohydrates
They are rich in fiber, a higher concentration than in the fresh fruit helps to eliminate cholesterol and bile acids.
Each type of dried fruit (oilseeds or flesh) has its own benefits.
... The Fresh, dried
They provide energy in the form of simple carbohydrates (required as part of efforts to overcome a physical and shot tiredness), fiber (which helps the bowel), essential minerals (magnesium, iron ...) and vitamins.
You will find below some examples of fresh fruit dried with benefits that are usually associated with:
1. Apricot: snacks ideal sportsman and trekker, the dried apricots is also a partner in everyday life. Rich in fiber, iron, vitamins A and B, it is a source of magnesium and phosphorus. It supports you in both the physical effort and brain in general a positive effect on the balance of the nervous system, the construction of bone and tissue regeneration.
2. The Banana: The fruit is rich in highly digestible iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and contains vitamins A, B and C. This is an important complement to the growth and balance nerve which supplies the body with athletes from simple sugars needed for the effort.
3. The Cranberries: The fruit is native to North America has many health benefits: with induced anti-bacterial tape, it plays an important role in reducing the incidence of urinary tract infections, reduction in the formation of dental plaque and reducing gum inflammation and decrease atherosclerosis, a major cause of cardiovascular disease.
4. The Dates: It is recommended for its lack of fat and its high fiber content. Source of iron, the date allows you to increase your intake of iron and is therefore particularly recommended for women who have iron deficiency.
5. Fig: Source of magnesium, essential for neuromuscular function and iron, necessary for the formation of red blood cells and transporting oxygen to tissues, it is also a source of fiber, minerals and vitamins A, B and C. She has a beneficial effect on respiratory tract, intestines and nervous system. Rich in calcium, it is more nutritious than fresh and is an excellent basis for children's snacks!
6. The Grapes: This is an important source of iron and recent studies show that it has an important role to play in the treatment of cancer.
... The Nuts
They bring energy as fat. They contain no cholesterol and are rich in important nutrients such as protein and fiber. They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals like magnesium and iron. Their nutritional benefits are significant given a moderate portion (between 30 and 40 g on average)
According to recent medical research, the nuts may have an important role in reducing risk of heart disease. Moreover, they are an excellent source of Omega 3 which in addition to helping fight cardiovascular disease, have virtues against arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
Now look a little more detail some nuts:
1. The Almond: The fruit is a natural antiseptic to the intestines and is good for the nervous. It contributes to the coverage of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The kernel plays a significant role in preventing certain cancers, heart disease and degenerative cataract.
2. Hazelnut: It participates in the coverage of the RDA of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamin B9 required for renewal of cells. Hazelnut provides magnesium, especially useful for muscle contraction.
3. The Nuts: She is rich in protein and vitamin E. The French, in general, consume too much animal protein and nuts and contribute to rebalance this through their feeding plant proteins. Its high content of unsaturated fatty acids also promotes good cholesterol. The nuts are recommended for reconstituting and anemic children and the elderly.
4. Pistachio: This fruit is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, vitamin E and B1, containing lipid compounds to 35% of monounsaturated fatty acids (the same as olive oil) that have a protective role on the cardio-vascular.
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