
Loneliness raises blood pressure may lead to death

Publié par happy-diet vendredi 14 mai 2010

Loneliness raises blood pressure may lead to death


Day after day, science confirms that the effects of psychological conditions adverse negative impact on public health is not in question, and stresses the significance of reports led research Sadran the University of Chicago and Washington in the Middle American, and a third of Spain's Basque region, published in the same day, 17 March 2010 , and a fourth report issued on the following day, has clearly indicated such effect, despite differences in the purpose behind each of them.

Effects Unit
The first report issued by the University of Chicago, and published in the journal «Psychology and aging» Psychology and aging in the current number, which proved a number of scientists under the supervision of Louise Hockley senior researcher at the Center for Neuroscience of cognitive and social development of the university, and the effective participation of a large number of Professors of Psychiatry, the loneliness, in itself, raises the blood pressure rates in persons age fifty and older, instead of what may cause frustration or depression increases this rise, regardless of the existence of other factors that may increase the pressure obesity or smoking or alcohol consumption, or exposure to societal pressures.

In the study, which lasted 5 years, continued scientists and researchers a group of people belonging to different sectors and social strata and ethnicities, to prove at the end of the period that loneliness increases the level of blood pressure, including more than 15 mm of mercury level for the emergence of this feeling.

Hockley shows that loneliness is the existence of an incentive to communicate with others, the fear of government or rejection of the other negative or frustration prevents the success of this contact, which may be behind the rise in blood pressure.

In discussing the second published in the journal «diabetes care» Diabetes Care, scientists from the University of Washington under the chairmanship of Professor Paul Sikanewsky, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Sciences behavior, that people with diabetes who lack a sense of safety in handling and trust others are more likely than others to premature death by more than 33 per cent .

The scientists studied more than 3500 patients with diabetes, both types I and II, within the borders of the state of Washington over the past 5 years, the study excluded patients with depression do not mix up causes,'re sure of the result of previous patients who lack trust in others.

Despite the lack of knowledge of the real reasons behind the outcome, the previous census had been ascertained at a broad level, while those scientists endorsed the note, and demanded that the interest in psychological aspects similar in patients with diabetes.

Problems of children
The third research is the doctoral thesis of Balbagesp Spanish Orentisaso Biedo the University for the country (region) Basque Country, which carried the title «the family and violent behavior in children around the age of 8 years», and it proved a researcher close relationship between the violent behavior of children and negative environment in the family.

The Biedo study of children, about 250 families in the province of Pescara Basque, the study of conditions of family, exiting the conclusion that the behavior is extreme violence in children, which may be deposited in criminal conduct in the future, is the result mostly from a broken home, or has neglected the care of children by parents, or as a result of the absence of one or both of the home.

The researcher is associated with this violent behavior in children bodily injury often the result of the fight, or lack of health care as a result of frequent absences from school.

The fourth report published in the journal American Association of Respiratory and Critical Care, in which said Dr. Rosalyn Wright, Assistant Professor of Medicine Brigham Women's Hospital, author of the study, to stress during pregnancy may expose him to risk asthmatic.

Where the research team investigating the circumstances leading to increased stress among pregnant women, and then follow-up of children after birth and analysis of medical authority to determine disease asthma, a type of hypersensitivity to a number of factors, some respiratory as well as certain foods or drugs, and affirmed that increasing stress increases the chances of such an illness.

The researchers attribute to the fact that stress increases the secretion of some hormones and neurotransmitters that affect your immune system so the fetus this imbalance.

Previous studies indicate that the mental state and physical condition are two sides of one coin, and the need to focus on psychological care for some patients so as not to worsen their disease in the future.

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