
Alcolmidyanat grape seed oil

Publié par happy-diet mardi 11 mai 2010

Alcolmidyanat grape seed oil


In summary, oil seeds and grape skins have a remarkable ability to give skin brilliance and youth and the secret back to the article «The Ifinol» which picks up the free cells in the blood, which is responsible for some cancers and accelerate skin aging.

The firms plan to produce cosmetics use olive oil Kkremat moisturize and protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet radiation, based on scientific fact says that the conclusion of grape seeds also contain a high proportion of saturated fatty acids, acids Allenol, a material well suited to human skin, especially women, the average age .

This part contains a high proportion of material Brukaindin which are anti-oxidants, by stronger than vitamin «y» about fifty times, and more effective than vitamin «C». Works of this article, as is known, to protect the walls of healthy cells from free atoms are believed to help the emergence of Alzheimer's disease and in raising the risk of heart disease and blood circulation.

And its characteristics:

Protect against the sun's ultraviolet radiation.
Is one of the essential oils.
It is also an excellent oil for the skin too fatty Spotted .. It is very light and quickly absorbed into the skin, but it might be considered non-greasy.
Suitable for skin PERI eye kind words.
Has a mild smell good, unlike the other oils.
The best alternative for those who have sensitivity of almond oil or do not fit.
Has a tremendous amount of vitamin e oil than wheat germ.
Contains vitamin c

Important information: the essential oils do not exceed weight
Seconds is unknown: There Grape Seed Extract in tablets Amaidin new.
Of course, can be used on the skin or the power to eat next to the olive oil and eating and regular in most other creams treatment of wrinkles and bloating.

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