
The benefits of writing for humans

Publié par happy-diet dimanche 2 mai 2010

The benefits of writing for humans

Dump your emotions and feelings and concerns on paper may speed up healing and healing .. This

The conclusion of the scientists at the British Psychological Association.

The researchers said the writing and the problems going on in the mind of worries and self-help people in the

To deal with them wisely and deliberately improve the function as the immune system to resist disease and healing

Infections more effectively and patients recover more quickly.

The researchers in the unity of Psychological Sciences in the Royal College in London follow-up to 36 people requested

More than half of them write about their experiences annoyance and express what they felt at the time of

Bitterness and pain, while others have been asked to write about things as vital as their hobby and how to spend their time

Their free time so spent 20 minutes a day for three days in writing of construction and then subjected to cut

Simple at the top of the arm and the wounds were monitored for two weeks.

Scientists found that the injuries when members of the group that wrote about their experiences emotional time it was

Smaller, which means that they recovered more quickly, while it was noted there are high levels of tension

And psychological discomfort in people who were slower Altiama wounds.

Experts believe that these discoveries of great importance in the development of methods of simple medical effects

Useful to heal the wounds and injuries, especially in the long run and it only needs to

Pen and paper to broadcast worries and problems and writing experiences disturbing and painful situations in life

Especially as the tension and discomfort affect the recovery of patients after surgical operations

And makes healing slower

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