
The external ear infections Diseases of the external ear

Publié par happy-diet dimanche 2 mai 2010

The external ear infections Diseases of the external ear

Otitis media is an ear infection in which fluid accumulates within  the middle ear. A common condition occurring in childhood, it is  estimated that 85% of all American children will develop otitis media at  least once. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group.)



Cysts cyst and fistula fistulae on the pinna: Limitations to close the first and second brackets, which arise, including ear phenomenon leads to the formation of a hole or road coated Bzaarp. If the road does not reach the outer surface of the blastocyst formed The former would receive if it arrives fistula. Which tends to constitute a discharge. Surgical treatment must know the fistula and its relationship to the facial nerve so as not to oversteps the mark,

Abawarz and lobules additional Hillocks or accessory lobules: Bowers positioned in front of Alocdp can be found, including a small piece of cartilage.

Pockets before the pinna Pre-auricular sinuses: There is a small crater in front of pinna may occur NZ and inflammation and frequently have a close relationship with the wheat helix.

Blockage of the path congenital atresia of the external auditory meatus: the place of absent gloss gloss covered with normal skin are often accompanied by deformation in the pinna. With dysplasia and cranial sides of my face or jaws - or the claws can get as a result of injury due to measles and his students use during pregnancy.

Narrow stream physiological stenosis: a college course Antbaj in the front section does not only see the lower rear section of the drum membrane and part of the grip of the hammer.

Ear cartilage deformation:

lop ear: ear prolapse: The result of flattening and convergence in the upper pinna

cup ear: an exaggeration due to the increase in the size of the cochlea

Ear Almtbarzp: due to the evolution of wheat against the helix and wheat. The increase in cartilage and excessive shell duel over the corner of the lobule or discourage convergence wheat and non-appropriate.

Lack of growth pinna Auricular hypoplasia: an abnormality of the pinna is proposed to severe distortions in the middle ear and placed a strong possibility of distorting the facial nerve and the surgical repair should be an expert, however,

Narrow external auditory canal genetic: narrow section of him is Great for the course and is often a two-sided and present at several family members in the affected

Tuber Darwin DARWIN'S TUBERCLE: distort Bachioan has to do with race, is situated at a height similar to the peak of the wheat ear when mammals.

condrodermatit nodularis circum - SS - a helicis: a form on the flap of the wheat hilix very painful at palpation. Treated with surgical excision

Injuries as a result of trauma:


Rip pinna laceration: get as a result of trauma and can be fully pinna detachment. And surgical treatment

Trauma and hematoma: trauma can lead to hematoma and often blood accumulates between the cartilage and Asamhak, Ajerahp necessary - the bombing of + bench pressing

Abrasion Abrasions: as a result of trauma or treatment, itching, etc. Control + fear of secondary infection

Burns: burn treated with antibiotics and topical ointments to eradicate Almtamotp parts to repair and can not be at full recovery.

Frost bite forstbite: get in the early stage, usually paresthesia and pallor and lack of sense in the pinna and later, edema and vesicles can be achieved. In severe infections and food, but it can happen to die and loss of tissue.

Occlusion of external auditory canal: getting injured as a result of the phenomenon of chronic ear or middle section or injury to bone or cartilage course may follow a surgical narrowing where it notes or a circular incision scar. Surgical treatment

Foreign objects: can pierce the eardrum and the solid body in children prefer to eradicate it with caution and may require general anesthesia. The foreign objects are eliminated smooth laundering ear and insects eradicated after the distillation of oily substance in the ear. The pulses Almentbjp Vtstosal after distillation of alcohol to shrink in size and withering.

Ear Alguenibtip or authorized boxers cauliflower ear: a deformity in the cartilage as a result of trauma pinna continuous flap or the result of inflammation Smhak cartilage and formation of an abscess in the pinna has led to die pinna cartilage.

Allergic injuries


Allergy to drugs: for example, drops, ointments, often Neomycin should be used when a drop of doubt and get after the swelling, redness and pain and sagging.

Allergy to metals: Alvsis often appears in the result of the use of jewelry.

Glandular infections:


Gout gout: Amaaod pain characterized by the occurrence of arthritis that responds COLCHICINE coupled with storage Ureas URATES in wheat and wheat are held against the skin covered with a thin atrophic best highlighted can get him later ulceration

Hypothyroidism: getting in the skin of pinna, as in other areas of skin dryness and thickening and pallor and the treatment or improvement in the skin of injury associated with the course of hearing the case of hypothyroidism.

Acromegaly:: acromegaly is usually the result of an increase in the growth hormone of the pituitary gland, which leads to a larger pinna and the ear bones and mastoids

Xanthomas tumor Yellow: accompanied by increased blood lipids and appears on the wheat in a yellow or orange or antiplatelet therapy in eradication and histological examination shows a large number of foam cells

Injuries unknown reason:


Eczema ear phenomenon: usually bilateral pretend Pthqq with a sense of the presence of the discharge, and itching ear. Cortisone ointment treatment with antibiotics. And there are 3 kinds: the microbial, seborric, and endogenous eczema

Cataract keratoses keratosis obturans: get a result of injury or dysfunction in the migration of skin from the eardrum and airway marrow. Examination noted a large amount of fill section Asamlak Malceni majority of the course and can give an unpleasant smell or extended in Section majority of the course and lead to bone necrosis and sometimes facial nerve injury. Treatment and repeated cleaning use vinegar + water which causes Ilynqs Tosev in the skin and may sometimes need to eradicate the skin and the leveling. Keratoses cataract may be accompanied by the expansion of bronchospasm and inflammation of pockets

Count pink ACNE VULGARIS: greasy skin associated with PAPULES and small cysts and abscesses are often found at the age of 10 years and above can affect pinna and behind the pinna cartilage and the section of the course may be involved. Address the antibiotics.

Alkolstruli tumor in the external auditory canal: It can be suspected Baltaqran cataract but it's more brutal and more specific, but whatever can lead to necrosis of bone tympanic. Eradication therapy may require frequent scraping of the skin and skin transplantation taste sometimes

Psoriasis Psoriasis: usually affects the knee and the facility and scalp, behind the pinna, but does not affect the course of the hearing apparently never able to be associated with external auditory canal eczema who doubt him and like psoriasis. And inflammation of the skin in the external auditory canal is often responds quickly to treatment of steroid ointments Unlike psoriasis.

Inflammation of the cartilage Smhak multi-recurrent relapsing polychondritis: is characterized by redness and loss of ear cartilage in nasal Alauterp leading to the formation of saddle-nose. And the differential diagnosis must have a gout and rheumatic fever and other autoimmune diseases. Notes the frequent ear infections, and may affect the ears or only one, deformation may occur in the ear. Hearing test is usually sensory nerve may be a progressive, crispy or sudden. Sometimes it may be transferable and shall be the result of external auditory canal stenosis. May be accompanied by infecting Khdot vestibular vertigo, may be responding to the test-calorie deficient or non-existent, and all patients who show signs of infection appear to the inner ear infection in the cartilage of the ear.

Granulomatous inflammation of the eardrum myringitis granular: characterized by the gathering of lymphocytes on the eardrum and is usually associated with inflammation of the external auditory canal suppurativa. Notes the granules on the membrane drum, which treated promptly acid anhydride with water half of the half, and that surgical removal of granuloma tissue rarely Maittalb.

Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE: It has two forms of generalized and position affects the skin and mucous, can infect the wheat and the cochlea with the limits for a progressive and papules.

Altaqranat photosensitizers of flap Solar keratosis: scars warty skin blond in general and wheat as a result of exposure to the sun for a long time.

Cysts cystic:


Kaisa Zhmip

Skin cyst - cyst epidermoid cysts - cyst epidermoid cysts planted as a result of trauma or surgery

Oncology sound:


Aern Great Exostoz: a two-sided at the base of a broad pallet Episode often affects swimmers.

Osteoma osteoma: one arises from the seam tympanic Alkhcaii

Adenoma adenoma: arises from the glands to secrete Samlak.

Tumor vascular blood hemoangioma: there are two types cavernous and capillary. Poetic decline after the age of two years or 3 years, the cavernous not back down.

Vascular tumor of the lymphatic lymphangioma: is composed of channels containing the YMMV can be locating or spread, such as vascular tumors.

Seema Other tumors: lipoma - Phipproma (uterine fibroids) fibroma - Kondroma (cartilaginous tumor) chondroma - Kiratoma - Kiratwakantoma - Niroljuma - papilloma (papilloma) papiloma - Meoma (a muscle tumor) mioma - mixed tumor biopsy and determine the type of tumor.

Brooke tumor epitelioma adenoid cystic Brook: a tumor arising from hair follicle in the external auditory canal, or pinna, and basal cells of origin, surgical treatment to eradicate position.

Malignant tumors:


Barbed SCC tumor cells

BCC basal cell tumor

Adenotzeyst carcinoma tumor Gdani Casey


Carcinoma, non-Hodgkin's

Inflammatory injury:


Ear Infection phenomenon widespread diffuse otitis externa: a narrow course with him with purulent discharge, redness, congestion and pain and the magnitude of the lymph nodes behind the pinna, making it Mtbarza claims to doubt the existence of inflammation Khca. Treatment of public and topical antibiotics and a bench in the ear to frighten edema can be use of alcohol by 95% or 70%.

Ear Infection phenomenon placement or healing the external auditory canal FURUNCLE: characterized by Palm ears severe with edema in the cartilage of the external auditory canal anywhere Last follicles hair fallicles, the more pain by moving the pinna and pressure Alocdp tragus, (perception of pain by pressing Alocdp infants may be as a result of inflammation of the middle ear where the course does not have to have heard the bone). Treatment of anti-staphylococci antibiotics and the abscess Tweger later that did not respond to medical treatment, must be analyzed in blood glucose was noted for each patient has a relapse injury Bdml the course of the hearing.

Ear Infection phenomenon malignant or necrotizing malignant otitis externa: diabetes and often affects the Madnfein and manifests in the phenomenon of otitis with granulation tissue in the focal bone cartilage and is usually cause pyocyanea pseudomonas aeruginosa and Gram-negative. And that the disease is spreading and eating away the bone to reach the base of the skull and cranial nerves. Therefore, the disease proves Alngneziom radioactive and is a means diagnostic. Alarm disease bad if not treated quickly spread and the treatment is the use of antibiotics such as Alcypro and others with a simple scraping of the place of necrosis. And control Balgaldiom until full recovery

Smhak inflammation of the cartilage flap perichondritis: redness completely flap except Alvsis severe pain during palpation infection usually Gram-negative germs. Appropriate antibiotics treatment. (Note may cause the disease to distort the pinna and the occurrence of so-called Alguenibtip authorize or permit boxers)

And herpes zoster (Ramsay Hunt) herpes zoster oticus: pain ears with formation of vesicles filled with bleeding extending from the cochlea in the pinna to the auditory canal and sometimes even eardrum may be accompanied by the disease with paralysis of the backbone of the face and injuring audio and Twaznip (vestibular), causing Hamat leaking.

Ear Infection Fungal phenomenon otomycosis: get a result of injury inherent and sometimes exhaust the breakfast-type Candida (Candida) or Aspergillus (Espergeloz), the disease presents the weight of research and itching in the ear and sometimes formed the so-called stopper fungal and lead to a lack of hearing. Cleaning treatment of the disease recurring and antifungal topical treatment needs for a period of not less than 3 weeks

Clog Asamlackhep wax:
A grouping Asamlak in the external auditory canal and filled leading to a shortage heard conductive and is often a result of frequent cleaning of the ear sticks, cotton, check the ear shows a block blocking flow structure of yellowish and sometimes tend to be black, and usually the patient visit the doctor, complained that after shower hair ringing and the lack of hearing and this the case with the ingress of water as a result of the Lazn and inflation and Antbaj Asamlak which leads to blockage of flow in full. Treatment is the use of rain drops or water, such as Alglseren oxygen demand by 3% and then wash the ear (you must make sure he does not have a perforation in the eardrum before washing). Note Clog Asamlackhep Mtosevp consists of skin with hair, dust and secretions of sebaceous glands and Alzhmip Asamlackhep ceruminous gland. And the central Asamlak acid)

1 Responses to The external ear infections Diseases of the external ear

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