

Publié par happy-diet dimanche 9 mai 2010

Each individual must meet nutritional requirements to offset expenses and losses related to the functioning of his body. These requirements depend on age, sex, weight, physical activity of each ...

A healthy, balanced diet enables us to meet our needs by providing:

- Macronutrients: that is to say, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins (according to their proportion, the dried fruit has a certain energy value expressed either in calories or in Kj)

- Micronutrients: vitamins and minerals commonly called.

The nutritional charts show the average composition of essential nutrients contained in the main nuts: Components Energy, Fibre, Minerals and Vitamins.

Detailed explanations of the benefits of each nutrient:

All foods are made of a certain proportion of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins (proteins). They provide energy to our body.


- Source of energy (1g carbohydrate = 4 kcal)

- Preferably used by brain cells and red blood cells (the brain consumes the equivalent of 5g of sugar per hour)


- Source of energy (1g fat = 9 kcal)

- Constituents of cell membranes and sex hormones

- Essential components of the brain and nervous system

- Intake of essential fatty acids


- Source of energy (1g protein = 4 kcal)

- Agents of growth, maintenance and renewal of cells

- Constituents of hormones

- Essential for immune system: antibodies

In addition, minerals and vitamins are substances essential for the proper functioning and growth of the organism. It is therefore important to eat regularly.


- Involved in the transport of oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide to the outside


- Participates in numerous enzymatic reactions

- Necessary for bone metabolism and muscle contraction


- Forming the skeleton and teeth


- Forming the skeleton and teeth

- Essential for strong bones

Vitamin A:

- Used in the mechanism of vision

- Allows the upkeep of the skin and mucous membranes

Vitamin B1

- Allows the use of carbohydrates

- Allows the proper functioning of the nervous system

Vitamin B2

- Allows the use of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins

Vitamin B9

- Used in the process of cell multiplication

- Allows the proper functioning of the nervous system

Vitamin E:

- Helps prevent oxidation of components of lipid-rich cells

The fibers are non-degradable carbohydrate components during digestion, but which have important functional roles:

- Waste disposal and bacterial bodies

- Regulation of intestinal transit

- Modified flora

- Modified the absorption of carbohydrates.

The allegations, "high" and "Source":

To be aware that to mention a vitamin or mineral on the label of a product requires that it covers at least 15% RDA * (recommended daily intake) per 100g of product.

Then, depending on the percentage using one or other of the terms "rich" or "source".

A good "source of ..." covers at least 15% RDA of a certain vitamin or a mineral.

Ex: figs are a source of calcium for 100g figs cover 20% RDA of calcium.

A product "rich in ..." should cover at least 30% RDA of a certain vitamin or a mineral.

Ex: almonds are rich in magnesium as 100g almonds covering 83% RDA of magnesium.

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