
Designed children hinders their ability to understand and communicate

Publié par happy-diet vendredi 14 mai 2010

Designed children hinders their ability to understand and communicate

St. Louis - weakens deafness in one ear of the child ability to understand and use language to communicate with those around him effectively.

Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis tests to see whether the 74 children, between six and twelve years of age suffer from deafness in one ear, absorption and understand language.

The study published in the journal "Pediatrics" that children who hear a good ear and only one had problems in speech and oral expression compared with those who hear well Binaurally.

The researchers cautioned that doctors often miss the diagnosis of children designed and thought to be a result either from a lack of attention or because of "selective hearing."
Said Dr. Judith Liu, who led the research team, "The impact of deafness in one ear may not be detected easily."

The "Children may avoid noise and the many places find it difficult to understand the sounds around them, may find it difficult to practice sports in the team because of their inability to identify the sources of sound but does not know who addressed them."

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