
Publié par happy-diet mardi 6 avril 2010

There are many research recently published in international medical journals
(Particularly in the last few years), which indicates the great importance of the pomegranate in many medical fields, including:
Its effectiveness as an anti-oxidant: Pomegranate contains elements of highly effective antioxidants
(Which works to maintain the health of human cell and disease-resistant). Valrman contains hundreds
Of compounds known compounds, including polyphenols soluble soluble polyphenol
compounds, which have proved to have all highly effective antioxidants such as acid Alielagik
ellagic acid and acid Galik gallic acid and anthocyanins and Alonthothianin Alkatchinn and
catechins and Alielagik Tannis and ellagic tannis b (8), (13), (14), (15) and preventive and treatment
Chemotherapy for cancer: It is proven that the conclusion of the pomegranate in therapeutic doses caused a natural death of cancer cells
apoptosis without affecting healthy cells: has been used successfully in the treatment of breast cancer has been proven
That suppresses the growth of cancer cells and prevents the spread and increase the natural death rate of apoptosis
Of cancer cells (16) also proved highly effective in the treatment and prevention of cancer of the urinary bladder where
That suppresses the growth of cancer cells and interfere in the genome of cancer cells, leading to
Death in the end.

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