
Publié par happy-diet jeudi 1 avril 2010

Treatment of cerebral palsy

Cerebral Palsy

An important introduction

After our success full and absolute activity and several cases of cerebral palsy and atrophy of brain cells in several disorders audio and visual and motor and behavioral, and due to the large and the proliferation of such cases in the Arab world and globally, which encouraged us to write this article which of the thesis of scientific Simplified and comprehensive of any made it accessible to the average reader and the specialist and although I was a doctor and I am not writer has made the extension of explanation of language in this article, the scientific issue is sensitive and accurate scientific than it came too fast enough in the included facts and also did not separate here a detailed breakdown of the method of treatment only and correct cases of cerebral palsy, and as we will not deny that we have masked a half-truth and deliberately not to mention the accuracy of the details of activation steps therapy trial for several reasons, including copyright and confidentiality of scientific research and the interests of the tradition of others without permission and formal adoption of our part sponsors the only treatment Before explaining the fact that treatment of paralysis, brain and take a test and the only effective treatment for all cases of cerebral palsy with the knowledge that each type of paralysis, a mechanism involving logic and experience in the treatment by a return to stability
Are facts and transmitted the first time at the Arab level and the global and in order not to Fewer Us Aldhanon we put in the boldness we have to demonstrate the scientific, scientific and logical sequence and all the scientific evidence that brought us to the right emphasis to the health experience and the only treatment provided in this brief scientific article.
And before the start of IPO The scientific recall something, and it is the inevitability of these types of disorders are dictated sort of explanation of scientific and not a defect other means not cerebral palsy and no other disabilities of any disorders diseases actual shape and form to deal with formulas and shapes and description of what is described is the essence of folly, if not foolish and it all is the same as the secret of the inability of uncertainty and delay in discovering the realities of the unrest to try to coerce circle of power in the acts, whether on the side of knowledge or any aspect of human life and no matter what.

Scientific Explanation

Paralysis Damageho disability movement and belonging to what is actually not a disease that does not contain any form of illness, and did any satisfactory features like all Kaltouhd disorders and syndromes, and other and the difference between disease and disorder is that the disorder is the beginning of any actual disease onset means anything in this universe be the beginning of a force which does not carry any form and shape and is the secret behind the failure of all the medical community to give description of it because it is already something that does not contain a recipe to be described is merely the power of a satisfactory and is the secret of Aloglutp or confusion of knowledge which has taken a lot of time Academic , which drained many of the scientific capacity in their attempts to break the Sunan and the laws of a firm scientific .................

1 / cerebral palsy cases of oxygen

Beginning Alljza two movements of the mouth does not have a motor fixed in the path of the movement of oxygen and mouth takes all forms, without stability, and it will take to the oxygen nucleus and the rest of the trunk of her lungs and chest

The path of a dynamic and one fixed and it needs to oxygen is not varied any substances (oxygen triple) and the movement of the trunk as a whole from the mouth to the end of the movement is if the blended and you need both types of oxygen nucleus and non-nucleus (oxygen triple) as sources diverse to the inevitability of diversity partial movement of the trunk and is The only part of the mouth movement does not contain the form and a steady course and the rest of the non-movement of the mouth that is one path and is the trachea and lungs and the chest and every part of the trunk and the stability of the mouth of the status of any fixed
Movement which has one path is a cause of disability and is the same reason for requesting the disabled status of oxygen for one kind of oxygen ie the ozone that it no longer needs oxygen nucleus, and when he asked oxygen nucleus, after it settled the mouth in a dynamic one, like the rest of the lungs and chest requesting Özen and stability trunk which do entirely on the movement is caused by atrophy of the rest of the sides of thermal and electric, it is not Sunnah scientific carry everything and carry any of what two actions which forms at the same time and diversity of oxygen any breathing oxygen formal cause pain and throw the oxygen framed by Bezag disabled because that's what we observe in the abundance and excellence Bezag disabilities and abnormalities of the state of lack of oxygen compared with normal and ...................

2 / cerebral palsy cases of heat

The same logic in the movement air any trunk and mouth beguile the same mechanism for the movement of the Parties The parties no hands and legs depend on temperature and are movements of our limbs, mixed with two types and which we need for both exporters and Ahararien because the end of hand and the man any fingers are the ends have not stabilized yet point temperature and actual is just a thermal power and therefore track motor is fixed in the development and the path of dynamic, one which required types of heat, unlike the other hand or the foot that lead movements of the shape and path of one student temperature does not have the form of heat varied no heat power and disabled by temperature and heat due to the intervention in pregnancy class what they are only stabilized the end of the hands and feet and took the form of kinetic and thermal stable than any non-diversified, which removed the second part of the type of traffic and became a thermal movements are of a fixed shape after settling the side of any diverse the stability of the end of the hands and legs and it no longer required temperature range and the required movement of a variety of after the stability of the part that needs to be diverse yet stable, and it noted the pain of the disabled heat because of the diversity of air temperature and is designed heat Actual any variety of cross-Alodhafr which note the increase in rapid growth of the nails and thermal stability of the movement in the form and wording of the College is the cause of atrophy by electricity and oxygen in the disabled

3 / cerebral palsy cases of electricity

And what has been said about heat in the movement of limbs and the movement of oxygen in the trunk is said about the movement of the head with a male that defects in this category any throw the electricity in the hair highlights any electrical faults in the poetry of the disabled

Abstract All the movements of human decency is a mix between the two types of traffic based on its three and stability of these types means doing more full and perform a movement of the faculty of the form, or strength, that his exit from the mixing and the height of the movement on the Faculty of form or force is a so-called paralysis, or rather and more apparent that disabled the hard fun with disabilities lead the path of dynamic, one that is, without the diversity of any loss of power motor in one of the aspects of mobility of the three and disabled excessive movement is stabilized by the do motor which is blamed excessive motor is only the volatility in the path of a dynamic and one after stabilized by its members, which tracks actual play in motion.

Atrophy of brain cells

Before we talk about logic and mechanism only effective treatment we remove sophistry promoters here and there on the shelves on the issue of academic and scientific complex is the question of brain damage.
First, we must distinguish between the scientific word and the word of damage atrophy Vdmor thing means a change in image and shape of the object at the expense of strength or a change in the power of the thing at the expense of form, while maintaining full in all cases, the essence of what any thing left is the same thing.
The damage is affecting the substance and nature of the thing and he lost something of its essence means transition to the second thing does not have what the first thing that corruption
Means not of the mind in something to be said for cell draws, but a cell already after losing the essence of what the cell is also not of scientific logic in something to announce in broad daylight Mwiedin and Muslims foolishly cell renewal laboratory on behalf of stem cell transplantation or by any other name idea of renewed cells are more crap and a joke I heard in my life because life is already in the areas of the brain stable point of the act of any shape and change the forces of life Bastmra t how to give a stable life for something that changes the forces of life always and the thing stable remains always means that the colleges in which the nature of a permanent time world how cell stable point of the act and figure-life destroyed her life, or detracted or damaged and are the subject of stability-time rights on the form of brain cell damage in the cells of the brain in whole or in part, and what is inevitable in any disabilities that the brain cells of the brain in the same side of disability is in turn harbors any form of force or any stable, like the rest of the aspects that atrophied in essence damaged and the demise of the causes of disability of any part of which was settled whether from force or the act will remove, forcing automatically and immediate return of the remaining parts Alamadmorp to punches below its weight, including part of the brain cells of the alleged October is a joke and damage brain cells, supported by both sides, first by the lack of jurisprudence and the medical community, especially Western Bmahep assets and Allowajd in him and supported, and promoters as well as to drain and blow up the pockets of the public from parents with disabilities in every place in the era of this decade.

The only mechanism for the treatment of all cases of cerebral palsy

Before mentioning the only effective mechanism, and proper treatment of cerebral palsy resulting from the three cases are the result of heat any German measles virus Alrobla or interference Heat actual formality at the stage of pregnancy or paralysis, newborn to increase electric charges in brain cells and which in the poetry of disability or because of lack of oxygen.
We first mentioned the origin and the reason for the emergence of cerebral palsy, stability of any of these aspects of point of force or act in the body of the disabled
That any obstruction and any disorder is the result of the stability of what humanity is, and not stability by a force and converts it to do only if the rights in that moment at the peak of power in the essence and subjected to an actual interference with formality in the same essence and vice versa for the stability of reaction any form and convert the power it does not happen only if a person is in peak form as to what and subjected to the intervention force in the same essence.
And also that the beginnings of essences for anything in this universe is the beginning of college at the height of power which starts anything from a peak strength and then begins gradually and shift forces to the forms to settle all its strength and ends left by the shape and height of the actual formal college does not contain any power and which stage is the fetus and pregnancy and after childbirth are the beginnings of the emergence of most of the essences human mobility have been or visual or auditory, mental, and formed the beginnings of an atom to the growth of most of the essences, I mean, overall, the stage of pregnancy and childhood are the beginnings of an atom most of the forces and therefore no actual interference with any formality in the any nature necessarily the stability of power counterparts in the same essence, and it established that essence without a husband The strength of any be unique so doing, the total and be vindicated disabled in the essence of any cause to do a holistic without any power in the essence of disabled and vice versa for the stability of the act and its transformation force than they lose the disabled to do in essence that a conservative on the strength of the Faculty

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