

Publié par happy-diet dimanche 4 avril 2010


Is a severe disease (infection) usually infects ruminants, and is transmitted to humans through contact with these animals or their products.
This produces infection from bacteria called Bacillus anthracis Bacillus Anthracis. These bacteria can produce spores spores (body are transferred to bacteria) Ayoshp can remain in soil and animal products for a very long time to find the appropriate conditions for the transition to the bacteria and begin to reproduce.

The infection occurs in humans:


Through the skin

Through the digestive system

Through inhalation

The incubation period is between 12 hours and 3 days (usually 3-5 days). Cutaneous appear as red spots and then Taathousel structure grow and become cruel and then ulcerate and form a black crust. The enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes associated with muscle pain, headache, nausea and vomiting.

As in the shape of pulmonary inflammation in corrosive and hemorrhagic lymph nodes and lung injury. The initial symptoms are similar to symptoms of influenza (flu). Getting a fever in a few days, and spoke very difficult to breathe, followed by Zrac Vagheipopp and shock. And must take remedial action and comprehensive support to avoid early death of the patient.

In gastrointestinal anthrax, pharyngeal mucous membranes or intestinal hemorrhagic necrosis occurs extends to the lymph nodes and the resulting bacteremia bloody and lethal toxicity.

Prevention A vaccine is given only to individuals at significantly affected. It is used to treat certain antibiotics such as penicillin, tetracycline, Aliirthuromitin, streptomycin, or a group such as Alkwynolon Alcyprovlokasin. And if not treated quickly (due to error in diagnosis, for example) have the patient die.

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