
High blood pressure, the threat of a stroke and dementia

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 1 avril 2010

High blood pressure, the threat of a stroke and dementia

Because of its effects on the brain arteries
High blood pressure is a disease of the circulatory system. Show many people with the disease in the coronary arteries or cases of heart failure, which leads to the death of many of them the result. However, all members of the body depends on blood circulation, and therefore many of them suffer from the effects of high blood pressure, if not addressed. The brain is one of those members exposed to grave danger.

* Blood pressure

* The blood pressure, a vital force to push the blood saturated with oxygen to all parts of the body. The heart is a pump that generates the force, while the arteries are the channels that carry blood and distributed.

Is determined by the highest value of blood pressure how to contract it strongly, heart Aldhakp main room, or left ventricle, as determined by the diameter of the arteries and harden. However, the heart and arteries of the affected part, a large number of genetic factors, hormonal, metabolic (related to metabolic), neurological, psychological, in addition to lifestyle factors, which determine the whole blood pressure. Because these effects are multiple and complex, the amount of blood pressure can be between the value and other than an hour to one hour during the times of the day, in addition to the slow changes that occur in a lifetime. And his blood pressure values. Eventually pressed systolic blood systolic blood pressure represents the highest value, which records when the heart to pump blood to the arteries. The diastolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, is the minimum value recorded when the heart relaxes and blood is fullness in the period between pulses.

Measured values of both Bmellimtrut mercury (mm Hg), a value corresponding to part of the column of mercury in the first pressure measuring devices used by more than 100 years.

And as usual, the highest value mentioned first, then followed by the minimum value: Pressure systolic of 110 mm Hg and diastolic pressure of 70 mm Hg will write as follows: 110/70 mm Hg.

In adults, the values Tabieitan less than 120/80. The diagnosed cases of high blood pressure, hypertension when the values 140/90 or more, while classified values between 120/80 and 139/89 were diagnosed as «pre-high blood pressure» prehypertension.

The cases of high blood pressure, many common and have suffered about 74 million Americans - about one out of every three adults, with Nearly 54 million of pre-high blood pressure. And high blood pressure lead to serious consequences, as it is responsible for the death of one of every six adults. Because this disease include the heart and blood vessels, it is classified as a «disease of the heart and blood vessels». But, as long as vital arteries to the health of all members of the body, high blood pressure can be considered a disease affecting the various systems are vital for the body, at the helm of high blood pressure in many cases, the effects do not fall within the scope of the heart, but extends around the eyes, kidneys, and the brain in particular.

* Stroke

Q: Although the individual risk of death due to stroke, the American stroke has decreased by 70 per cent of what it was in 1950, stroke remains the third most common cause of death in the United States. And a further stroke about 800 thousand a year, die 45 per cent, while suffering many of the survivors of the difficulties of disability. It is the U.S. economy because of significant costs of up to USD $ 69 billion per year.

* Types of Stroke

* There are two main types of stroke: stroke, ischemia (obstructive or inertial) ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and hemorrhagic strokes. And haemorrhagic stroke is less common but more serious repercussions, it occurs when a blood vessel bursting, which leads to leaking of blood to the brain or the fluid surrounding it.

The stroke, ischemia that occurs in 87 per cent of all incidents of stroke is caused by a blocked artery equipped with blood, Bouktherp bloody. Could this occurs in one of two ways. In the first method called stroke occurs Ktharip Altjlatip or thrombotic stroke, when the blood clot formed inside the artery infected with located within the brain itself. In the second method spoke stroke «stroke of Foreign Affairs» embolic stroke (stroke Ansmamep) being formed clot outside the brain with blood and then move him, to fill the artery sound is in it. The majority of this second type of blood clots forming in the sediment caused by hardening of the arteries, either in the carotid arteries or the aorta or the heart.

There are for every one of these main types of stroke, types of small strokes. Although it is possible to monitor large haemorrhagic strokes, the studies that employed by the magnetic resonance imaging also showed that many small blood leaks common. By the same token a lot of people suffer from obstructive types of small strokes. Although these two types of micro-strokes do not lead to the emergence of symptoms associated with, the series in a row of them may lead to major problems such as memory loss or impaired cognition.

According to estimates by the American Medical Association, more than 13 million Americans have suffered from one or more strokes «small», which is increasingly common among persons aged 60 years or older, especially those with high blood pressure.

* High risk

* High blood pressure is the main cause of stroke, whether obvious symptoms, or silent. And contribute to both blood pressure values for systolic and diastolic in danger of occurrence, the greater the values of blood pressure readings, the greater the risk. According to a study from Harvard University, high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke for men increased by 220 per cent, while another study suggests that for every increase of 10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure increase the risk of stroke, ischemia by 28 per cent, and the risk of stroke haemorrhagic fever by 38 per cent.

This is bad news. The good news is that the treatment of high blood pressure strongly assist in the protection of a stroke. In calculating the approximate, the success of rights reduce the amount of systolic blood pressure by 10 mm Hg, will reduce the risk of stroke, a high proportion of up to 44 per cent.

* Dementia

* High blood pressure affects and in accordance with recent studies on the brain and cognitive capabilities in the elderly patients. Although it was easy to deal with cases of mild cognitive impairment, it is difficult to deal with cases of loss of memory or mental deterioration of the trial, the cases in which scientists today call «dementia».

Among the many reasons that lead to neurological dementia, there are two main reasons for the lion's share to it, namely: frequent bouts of obstructive multi - infarct, or so-called «dementia, or dementia, vascular» vascular dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.

Show cases of dementia, heart blockage repeated, when infected small blood vessels in the brain diseases or become blocked, thereby depriving the brain cells of the required nutrition of oxygen and glucose. When large amounts of damaged neurons by this process, it can not be retrieved memory. The Alzheimer's Disease it is different, as shown by injury after an accumulation of quantities of materials «beta - amyloid» beta - amyloid, a sticky small proteins interfere with the function of nerve cells and thus lead to loss of cells, leaving deposits of nervous beyond. In advanced cases of this disease the brain cells become clogged with material from nerve fibers composed of proteins called «Tao» tau. In most cases, part of the brain responsible for memory (the hippocampus hippocampus) affected more than others.

* Blood pressure, impaired memory

* Because high blood pressure, damage the arteries, it is easy to see how that leads to the occurrence of vascular dementia. Despite the absence of a clear link between the damage and the incidence of Alzheimer's disease, the research assumes that the damage to blood vessels and tissue inflammation accelerates the occurrence of this disease.

Details vary between the study and others, but the weight of evidence is now supposed that the high blood pressure increases the risk of cognitive impairment and vascular dementia, and even the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Leads both Mekdari systolic pressure, and diastolic, to this damage. In general, the more the amount that is higher, the longer the period of its existence without treatment, the risk is greater.

The majority of the research on older adults. For example, a study of 2505 men between the ages of 71 and 93 years if they have the amount of systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, that the incidence of dementia appear to have increased by 77 per cent more, compared to the amount of others who have a systolic blood pressure less than 120 mm Hg. It also noted studies that evaluated blood pressure and cognitive function in people of two categories: between the ages of 18 and 46 years, between 47 and 83 years, it Almekdarin soaring blood pressure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in individuals of both categories, was linked to deterioration of cognitive capacities, with the passage of time .

The doctors were able to alleviate the burden of dementia, they will not succeed in reversing the damage, and reverse the disabilities caused. Therefore, prevention becomes very important.

* Stop treatment of dementia

* Is it possible to treat blood pressure can help ward off dementia or dementia? The answer is yes. European researchers have reported that treatment of high blood pressure in the long term reduces the risk of dementia by 55 per cent. However, a number of American studies to submit the results are less optimistic. One stated that the treatment reduces the risk by 38 per cent. As stated again that each of the years of treatment associated with reduced risk of dementia by 6 per cent, and this appeared especially among men who were treated for 12 years or more, it had lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease by 65 per cent, compared to men who were not given. The third study, conducted on men and women to the Americans that the treatment led to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by 36 per cent. And diuretics were the most common drugs benefit. The team of researchers from the universities of Harvard and Boston reported that the 6 types of treatments for high blood pressure, improvement in the reality of the process of blood flow to the brain.

Do not delay treatment

Q: But it's good to treat high blood pressure reduces the risk of dementia. But what is the case for people who suffer from mild memory loss? Is it possible to treat high blood pressure, preventing the occurrence of further damage to them?

The answer: Maybe. The Italians, researchers examined 80 patients suffering from mild cognitive deterioration. During the period of one year and a half of the study, it appeared that the trend towards risk of Alzheimer's College, was reduced by 80 per cent in the treated compared to other non-therapists. However, the study was a single, small and require additional research.

* Stroke .. Types

* Hemorrhagic stroke hemorrhagic stroke:

- Occurs in 13 per cent of the incidence of stroke.

- Occur because of the explosion vessel and leak blood into the tissues.

- More serious than a stroke ischemia (obstructive).

* Haemorrhagic stroke in under the membrane in the brain Spider subarachnoid hemorrhage:

- Bleeding into the area between the brain and the skull.

- Often appear in the blood from the aneurysm or a situation arise where the stretched and weak in the artery wall.

* Inside the brain hemorrhagic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage:

- Bleeding from a blood vessel inside the brain. Often occur because of high blood pressure and damage caused by arteries.

* Cardiac ischemia (obstructive or inertial) ischemic stroke - occurs in 87 per cent of the incidence of stroke.

- Caused by a blockage in a blood vessel in the brain.

- Die of brain tissue when blood flow stops them.

* Ansmamep stroke embolic stroke:

- Caused by a blood clot formed in a remote location and then moved to a blood vessel in the brain

* Occur in 60 per cent of all cases of stroke in Americans. And 25 per cent of this type of stroke associated with atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm)

* Ktharip stroke thrombotic stroke - caused by a blood clot formed as a result narrow the artery after illness arteriosclerosis.

* Control your health .. Monitor and change your lifestyle

* For the health of your mind and health of your body, you have to measure the amount of your blood pressure. And always remember that people who have normal blood pressure lived more than five years ago of those who suffer from high blood pressure.

The first step is to know your blood pressure, as no one knows about 20 per cent of the people that they suffer from high blood pressure. The second step to know your goal. If you are in the scope of «pre-high blood pressure», always tried to reduce the pressure to less than 120/80 mm Hg. As with high blood pressure, they have to cut back on the amounts to less than 140/90 mm Hg. But people with diabetes, kidney disease and coronary artery disease, or peripheral arteries, or carotid arteries, or disease, or blood in the aorta, the goal is to reduce the pressure to less than 130/80 mm Hg.

The third step is a change in lifestyle, including:

* Diet: reducing the amount of sodium intake to less than 2300 mg. And the new amount is 1500 mg for people with high blood pressure of healthy adults in the mid-age. As well as reduce the vegetable fats and processed foods, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and dairy products free of or low-fat. Good food and reduces systolic blood pressure between 10 and 22 mm Hg.

* Sport

* Weight Control

* Use the medicines Alstreodip anti-inflammatory wisely, since drugs such as «Ibuprofen» «Naproxen» and others, can raise blood pressure, especially for the elderly.

* Stay away from the tension.

* Finally, take the drugs prescribed to you.

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