Peanuts lowers cholesterol in the blood
Experiments conducted in the U.S. Center for Agricultural Research to peanuts good for the heart, which is contrary to the concepts known for this type of nuts rich in fat, which was believed to pose a threat to the health of your cardiovascular because it increases the risk of obesity and raise the level of cholesterol in the blood.
The researchers in the U.S. administration for Research in Agriculture peanuts lowers levels of total cholesterol in the blood because it contains the article "resveratrol," which proved effective in maintaining the integrity of heart disease, making it one of types of foods useful contribution in reducing the incidence of heart disease.
However, according to experts at the center of Wisconsin Medical that the low rates of heart disease in people who eat peanuts is due mainly to a vitamin (E) available and not just to the article "resveratrol," and because of the difficulty detecting this substance in the blood of these people.
Peanut contains an article dealing with tuberculosis
May help a chemical found in peanuts in the treatment of tuberculosis, as stated in scientific research.
And TB is the cause of the death of two million people worldwide each year. But many of those who are exposed to bacteria that cause tuberculosis does not appear to have the disease. This shows that in most cases the immune system is strong enough to prevent bacteria from causing disease. It is believed that nitrogen monoxide, a key role in the movement of the body's defenses.
Scientists believe that the shortage of this chemical compound makes individuals more vulnerable to disease. And therefore on the theoretical level may help enhance the level of nitrogen monoxide to solve the problem. One way that would raise the level of this compound is abuse Alargenin capsules used by the body to produce nitrogen monoxide. There is high concentration of arginine in peanuts.
The scientists from the University of Linkoping Swedish experiments to prove this theory in a study of 120 patients with tuberculosis in Ethiopia.
Volunteers were given either arginine capsules or capsules fake for four weeks along with regular treatment.
Has responded to patients who received treatment Alarzininn faster than their peers who did not Itatoh.
Have disappeared at a faster rate of acute symptoms such as coughing, and saliva test showed a lower level of bacteria that cause TB compared with persons who took the capsules are delusional. The researchers believe that treatment Balarzinin may help to reduce the duration of use of medication for the treatment of tuberculosis. They also believe that it reduces the risk of transmission of disease through the stages of infection.
The head of the research team, Dr. Thomas Sean is not BBC News Online that it was important to focus on the system of four antibiotics prescribed by the World Health Organization is the most important way to tackle tuberculosis. But he adds that the addition of arginine may represent a new therapeutic option to make treatment more effective, by raising the immune system's ability to respond, due to increased production of nitrogen monoxide.
In areas where there are no capsules Alargenin researchers argue that people can get arginine from some natural sources such as peanuts rich Balarzinien. Dr Sean that other types of materials contain arginine, but peanuts contains a greater concentration of it, in addition to being cheap and readily available everywhere in the world.
It also contains peanuts to other nutrients such as fat, which may have a positive impact in the treatment of the disease. It is believed by Dr. John Harvey of the British Thoracic Society that this research is interesting but needs further study. He says it strengthens other evidence that a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables may protect against the development of lung diseases such as tuberculosis and asthma.
Peanut allergies
Researchers said that the sensitivities of peanuts may be becoming more common among children has doubled over the past five years in the United States, said Canadian researchers also said they are seeing more cases than expected sensitivity to peanuts, said reports published in the December issue of the Bulletin of Allergy and Immunology that sensitivities of the nuts, which may be fatal remain common, and many food products included in the peanut industry.
She said Munoz Furlong, chief executive and founder of follow-up network sensitivities, food «This study confirms what we hear from a growing number of families and officials in school and other officials of the institutions, that food sensitivities are increasing and affecting the sensitivity of peanuts about 5.1 million Americans die about 200 a year from the effect of acute sensitivity that it caused.
The British research team revealed that the peanut oil obtained from Onoaamn may cause allergic reactions in children with eczema. Scientists have found that ninety Balmaipmn children with some form of allergy caused by peanuts were Ienonsabqa of eczema. It was not clear after the link between the two cases, but scientists believe Ontaarb infected skin abrasions to peanuts or oil extracted from it could trigger a form Mno_kal sensitivity. But experts say that parents should not take action until Eetmakoshv details of the search. The study found that children and one of the hundred Teflldehm allergic to peanuts, rather than one child in every hundred was also Iatqdsabaka.
The study followed the case of twelve thousand children from the area of Bristol in Ingeltraidhavp Abaihmutnzer to study genetic and environmental causes of cases Mthelrabo and sensitivity of some foodstuffs, depression and cerebral palsy.
Says Acanutorgideon Luck of St. Mary's Hospital in London, who conducted the research, said in case of Alokzimaitahtm the so-called natural skin barrier, thus leading to accumulation of immune cells and Tardhalmwad cause allergies. He adds that he is now under consideration as to whether exposure Algeldelmwad contain peanut or olive oil is responsible for sensitization. In the view of Acanutorlak recent research contradicts advice directed by the Ministry of Health British Hawwamloualemrdat to avoid eating peanuts. According to Dr. Luck that the amount of peanuts that you take nothing to do with mothers of children allergic to peanuts. A spokesperson for the British Association for eczema, a disease that he could not comment Anytaatkhv details of the search.
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