
Tips to avoid expansion of the abdomen and the Cracks Pregnancy

Publié par happy-diet mardi 6 avril 2010

Tips to avoid expansion of the abdomen and the Cracks Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant Concerned about some things that change the shape of her body, especially when making pregnancy, of these things and changes extend the abdomen and this expansion causes the sometimes severe itching.
But women rub themselves in a certain area in the stomach after the emergence of new stretch mark on the skin.
And pregnant women can prevent the emergence of these signs, if action is taken in time, and the most appropriate procedures to eat right, thus avoiding the weight gain unhealthy, but this is not enough in some cases, such as carrying twins, or when excessive expansion of the uterus to the large size of the fetus or increased fluid around it.

There are markets, products and creams to prevent the emergence of these signs,

But the best remedy is to massage the abdomen daily from the fourth month of pregnancy, at least cocoa butter or olive oil or refreshments allocated to it.

How Massage: lay woman on her back, and put a thin layer of lanolin or moisturizing cream on the abdomen as a whole, that lets you gently until saturated by surface layers of the skin, then massage the abdomen in concentric circles starting from the vicinity of the abdomen and ends Balsrp and that by raising the skin first from it the planks and then folds that are smaller, so that in the end only a massage on the skin just a CD-

Of course, this method will not be an obstacle to the final appearance of lines after the birth this silver nature of any skin grows these signs begin to emerge it, but mitigated.

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