
What is gout?

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 1 avril 2010

What is gout?

Gout is considered one of the oldest diseases known in the medical reference, gout and a common disease caused by faulty metabolism of uric acid uric acid (uric acid, uric acid), which can lead to deposition of crystals of salts of uric acid tissue for soft, and the occurrence of frequent episodes of arthritis, painful, and in the absence of treatment can occur crash of the joints and kidneys, and the final diagnosis of gout depends on the presence of crystals of salts of uric acid in the liquid albumin, which is withdrawn from the joint, and the early diagnosis of gout with the treatment improves the patients significantly and decrease the number of disabilities due to chronic gout are the contract of disabling chronic tophaceous gout, however, chronic gout, which is the contract would be continued because of an error in diagnosis, or failure to provide appropriate treatment, whether or not the patient to undergo treatment.
If you do not treat gout can occur crash of the joints and kidneys salts of uric acid crystals in the synovial fluid that is withdrawn from the detailed

Generate gout

Although the presence of crystals of salts of uric acid in the soft tissue and fluid synovial is a condition for episodes of gout, the crystals of salts of uric acid can also be found in the liquid in the absence of arthritis, indicating that the mere presence of crystals fluid albumin is not enough for a bouts of inflammation of the joints. One explanation for this is that the concentrations of the contract small, consisting of crystals of salts of uric acid are covered by protein Chapel serum proteins This cover prevents the adhesion of these crystals receptors cell cell receptors, and therefore the attack of gout may be triggered by the start of crystals is not covered (for example When you change the salt concentration in blood, and analyzed or melting of a salt in small microtophus) or deposition of crystals when increasing the concentration (for example, when the crash of cells in the body - as during chemotherapy to tumors - which causes the starting salts of uric acid) and whatever the source of salts, the crystals bare (non-covered protein Chapel) interact with cell receptors, multilateral or macrophages - the white blood cells - either on the cell surface or inside the vehicle and this is a sign of the risk of active immune system, has been reinforced by the antibodies of the type G immunoglobulin G - IgG this interaction through the European Union with receptors or caution them, which results in a material IL-1 interleukin (IL) -1 and arises also the start of many chemicals immune called cytokines cytokines materials include IL-6 and 8, and the factors driving the white blood cells, neutrophil neutrophil chemotactic factors, and factor corrosive Oncology tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and increase the process of ingestion by macrophagic cells neutral Neutrophil phagocytosis start of other chemicals.

The depression bouts of gout acute is attributable to several mechanisms include the removal of white blood cells neutral dead damaged neutrophils and re-cover the crystals Jurat sodium recoating of urate crystals, and the production of chemicals, immune anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory cytokines, and produce a working adapter to the growth of transforming growth factor (TGF) -beta.

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