
High blood pressure High blood pressure

Publié par happy-diet lundi 18 janvier 2010

High blood pressure High blood pressure

The proportion of disease, high blood pressure (hypertension Hypertension) in humans on the rise, with the increasing burden of stress and anxiety in our modern life, especially in cities, where overcrowding and transportation problems, malnutrition, environmental pollution and the problems of the diverse life. At the very least, the people and one in twenty people suffer from high blood pressure and needs treatment Unfortunately, half of those suffering from this disease often do not know that high blood pressure needs to be addressed and half of those who know their illness are not receiving the necessary treatment for him, it is advisable measuring their blood pressure every six months, especially after passing the age of thirty years of age or in cases of overweight or in cases of transmission of the disease among family members.

In order to recognize the disease, high blood pressure, its causes and how to control it better we recommend that you first threw light on the heart and how it works and circulation.

What is blood pressure?

The organization of arterial pressure and the amount of blood passing through the expansion and contraction with the regular heartbeat If you have lost the flexibility of arteries, for any reason, then increase the resistance arteries of the passage of blood and blood pressure rises, the resistance of the arterial walls of the passage of blood is an important factor to determine the level of blood pressure control it.

There are two types of pressure are measured, the systolic blood pressure Systolic and measured when the heart shrink during the process of pumping, and diastolic pressure, measured at Diastolic relaxation of the heart to receive blood coming from the body.

How to measure blood pressure?

Blood pressure is measured by linking how much rubber on the left arm and then blowing the air and noting the amount of pressure required to halt the flow of blood through the artery is located under the volume through the headset to listen to medical records the measurement of blood pressure in the form of two numbers the first number is called systolic pressure systolic The second number is called diastolic pressure diastolic pressure measurement unit is the millimeter mercury, and the device that measures blood pressure Sphygmomanometer Sviguenomonomitr called The WHO suggested that when the blood pressure in humans more than 140/95, it is not normal, has recently been the classification and division of blood pressure by a magnitude as follows :
Classification systolic pressure diastolic pressure
Pressure ideal Optimal 120 80
Natural pressure Normal 130 or less 85 or less
Pressure on the natural H. Normal 130-139 85-89
High pressure from first-class Grade-1 140-159 90-99
High pressure of second-class Grade-2 160-179 100-109
High pressure of the third-class Grade-3 180 or higher 110 or higher

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