
Natural substances that benefit the heart and circulatory:

Publié par happy-diet lundi 18 janvier 2010

Natural substances that benefit the heart and circulatory:


Oils: fish oil and cod liver oil and flax oil, and olive oil.

Herbs: garlic, green tea, and herb ginkgo Bailuba, and summary of grape seed, and turmeric, and wild hawthorn (How thorn), but under medical supervision, and parsley, and soy to contain a substance lecithin (Lecithin), and the circuit, which helps in reducing blood sugar, and herb Aljmnima (Gemenema), and summary olive leaf, and grapefruit.

Amino Acids: Karentin (Carnitine), and Cysteine (Cysteine), and dimethyl Claesen (Dimethylglycine), and methionine (Methionine), and polyvinyl Alinin (Phenylalanine), and Turin (Taurine).

All types of vitamins, especially vitamin B group

Antioxidants: Co enzyme Q 10 (Coenzyme Q 10), and Alclatatheon (Glutathione), and acid alpha-Ibolek (Alpha Lipolic Acid), in addition to vitamin E (Vitamin E) and vitamin C (Vitamin C).

Salts and metals and other materials: magnesium, and selenium, and chromium, zinc, and the hormone DHEA, and bioflavonoid (Bioflavonoid), and fiber intake continuously.

Must be wary of some herbs that may lead to high blood pressure Kshabp ginseng (Ginseng), and Aliwambe Yohabi, and Alchorana (Gurana), which contains a high concentration of caffeine. The herb Almahonk (Mu Huang) containing a substance ephedrine (Ephedra), which have a significant impact in raising blood pressure and increase the voltage on the heart. Should also reduce the stimulant substances such as coffee and tea to the lowest level possible.

It must be well-focused on periodic inspection to ensure the regular functioning of the heart and blood circulation, and attention to all the benefit of that vital organ for maintaining health. Also, it must move away from anything that would harm the life of the muscle contaminants and other materials.

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