

Publié par happy-diet samedi 3 avril 2010


Circuit has many benefits, and benefits of the basic Vahalbp pulls and strengthen the muscles of the body ..

Circuit cures diseases and open the appetite and strengthens the body, and dealing with ED

Arabs knew the track since the Cup came in (Dictionary of food and medical treatment plants) that the Arab doctors were advised to cook the ring with water to lubricate the throat and chest and the abdomen and relieve cough, indigestion, asthma, and self-reports of the intestines and hemorrhoids ...... Similarly, if cooked and made him wash the hair curled and beautiful, because of the many benefits, he said the doctors (if people know the benefits of its weight in gold bought)!!

In modern medicine The analysis of the circuit it is rich in protein, phosphorus and carbohydrates, and similar to the cod-liver oil, and also contain subjects of choline and knitting vanillin two Iqarban in their structures nicotinic acid, a vitamin (b), also contains the seeds of resin and oil firm The volatile oil of anise-like oil.

And can be eaten cooked for Nutrition and the opening of appetite and weight gain, and drink Mglleha terms that the benefit in some gastrointestinal and chest, as given to the girls at the time of puberty to stimulate menstruation, as well as anemia and impaired the structure and appetite and frail.

It was described by ancient with honey against chronic constipation and diseases of the chest and throat, cough, asthma, phlegm, hemorrhoids and erectile dysfunction, as reported to remove freckles and grain of the face.

If you take a Appetizing Menkuaha before eating (20 grams per liter of water) and this strengthens the stomach and soaked it easier to digest and judge well.

Recent studies suggest that the oil circuit generates milk or breastfeeding, and opens the appetite for food.

Track a cure for diabetes and cancer.

Dr Ahmed Al professor of pharmacology and medicinal plants, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Science and Technology of Jordan and his team extract of fenugreek seeds showed positive results in curbing cancer cells in humans, such as lung cancer, colon and breast cancer.

He stated that the scientific studies on animals experience has shown that extracts the circuit lowers the proportion of cholesterol in the blood as a result of fibers and materials Alsabuip in fenugreek seeds as it lowers the proportion of sugar in the blood and that the presence of acid, tobacco, coumarin, in addition to being anti for some types of viruses.

He explained that he and his team at the University of Science and Technology are conducting studies to test drugs and medicinal plants that are resistant to cancer cells in the human body.

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