
Hair loss men under the age of thirty-reduces the chances of exposure to prostate cancer

A recent study showed that the hair loss at an early stage of age should not be a nuisance, but on the contrary may be an indication of a healthy body.

The study reported at the University of Washington, United States and published in the Journal of cancer epidemiology that men who suffer from hair loss when they were under the age of thirty are less likely to stage prostate cancer in later age.

The study was conducted on two thousand men who are between the ages of 40 and 47 were wounded, half of prostate cancer. They compared a sample of individuals stated that they took to lose their hair before the age of thirty, and the rest who kept their hair in this age group, indicating that the creep of early baldness to their heads were less vulnerable to the disease.

The researchers attributed this to higher hormone (Altistesteron) when the male villagers faced baldness and the incidence of this type of cancer; where it became clear that they are threatened by less than other injury of prostate cancer.

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