
Clinical trial confirms that a healthy lifestyle .. Reduces the risk of colon cancer

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Clinical trial confirms that a healthy lifestyle .. Reduces the risk of colon cancer

A new study confirms the great importance of a healthy lifestyle in reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Has been characterized by the study from other studies utilizing a comprehensive model for about the dangers.

Did not go out this form to multiple risk factors, but beyond that to assess impact of changing with the times.

Previous studies focused the attention always, often, individual factors that lead to increased risk of colon cancer (such as increasing intake of red meat) or to reduce the danger (such as aspirin or an exercise).

The dangers of genetic and lifestyle
In the analysis published in the American Journal of Epidemiology (October 1 - 2009) by researchers incidents of colon cancer, and also his relative risks among women until the age of 70 years.

The researchers drew information from «the Nurses Health Study», which included 83 thousand and 767 women between the ages of 30 and 54 years old when the study began in 1976.

And followed up women for 24 years, the researchers collected information on height,, weight, and habits of health, crossing a menopause of menstruation, and the date of contracting are or relatives of colon cancer, and history of screening for colon cancer to have, and intake of aspirin, alcohol, and hormone therapy.

The strongest risks, which can not be adapted, is a genetic risk: the presence of a nearby one of the first class at least (father or mother or brother or sister) diagnosed with cancer of the colon.

This factor increased the risk of infection among women by 55 per cent.

However, the factors that can be adapted, it was - in the total cumulative impact - much more impressive.

Women who were not practicing sports, were overweight always, dealing with red meat and processed meats industrial daily, dealing with amount a little bit of folate, not subject to medical examination of the colon cancer until the age of 70 years, were at risk of developing colon cancer at a rate four times more when they reach the age of seventy, compared to women was less dangerous way of life (exercise regularly, and has a relatively moderate weight, and dealing with appropriate amount of folate).

The physical activity levels high (as measured equivalents metabolism - metabolism - metabolic equivalents, METs) is very important, women who said they engaged in 21 of the equivalents METs per week (equivalent to about 7 hours of brisk walking per week) were exposed to the risk of colon cancer at least half the risk of the vulnerability of women who were engaged in two hours of equivalents METs (equivalent to about one hour of slow walking per week).

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