
Relieve your tired legs!

Publié par happy-diet mardi 13 avril 2010

Relieve your tired legs!

Jambes lourdes

September-simple recipes to face the first heat of a light step. Relaxation express warranty.

1. Exercise

The sports "soft" such as brisk walking, swimming, etc.. Can you do much good. By contracting gradually and steadily, helping the calf muscles because the blood back to the upper body. However, sports that require forceful exertion such as tennis, football, rugby, tennis are not recommended.

2. Choose your clothes

Choose clothes a bit wide in which you are comfortable. The heels are too high (or low) are not a good idea. The ideal height: 3-4 cm. That way, your foot may well proceed on the ground and blood will be "pushed" up the leg.

3. Get in the shower

Open the cold water tap and go up the jet on the legs from the ankles and up the thighs. Several times. The jet must be toned but not too strong. It is already a bit better, right?

4. Massage your legs

With special care that relieves tired legs discomfort. Among the most effective active ingredients, you find the ruscus, the chestnut and red vine. The soothing effect will be increased tenfold if the product also contains an extract minty. Warning: If you have varicose veins, avoid direct support because they are often sensitive.

5. Elevate your legs

Lie on the floor, feet on the wall. Fun to bending and extension of the feet and toes (20 times for each movement). And in the evening if you are reading or watching TV, put a pillow under your feet. And put your feet on your bed.

6. Choose antioxidants

Because they protect the blood vessels. It is found in peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, citrus, olive oil ... Fruits and vegetables also help protect and invigorate your veins. Finally, remember to hydrate yourself regularly. Water is an excellent drainage, which helps eliminate toxins. Slowly, however, on alcohol and coffee, tobacco and forget ...

7. Swallow granules

To improve venous circulation, 5 pellets three times a day Hamamelis compound. Add 5 pellets 2 times a day Arnica 5CH if you experience muscle pain. If you have restless in the legs, take Zincum 15CH 7CH and Cuprum, 1 pellet.

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