
This prevents recurrence

Publié par happy-diet mercredi 21 avril 2010

This prevents recurrence


If you have been infected by the virus or genital herpes, you'll have to get used to his presence, it remains for life in the body, within the ganglia. He sleeps for several weeks or several years, but as a result of certain factors, it can wake up. You're not alone: in France 10 million people are carriers of this virus very annoying. You can still succeed in space flares. How? First, by strengthening your immune system. With strong natural defenses, you will get easier to fight against the virus. A healthy balanced diet, rich in magnesium and selenium, restful sleep, regular physical activity, etc.. will help make you stronger.

Identify the trigger
Another way to protect yourself against herpes: identify the factor which at you will trigger the crisis of herpes ... and act accordingly. These factors include fatigue, stress, anxiety, poor diet, skin irritation or the sun. Exactly, you've noticed that after prolonged exposure, the crisis was almost inevitable? Apply in this case a protective balm before taking the sun (SPF 15 or higher). Think about it especially if you go to the mountain. It is also important to moisturize your lips. When they are dry and cracked, the risk of outbreaks have increased. If you have a tiring lifestyle, spare you a good night's sleep, have a nap on the days you're a little freer. Against stress, homeopathy or aromatherapy can be helpful.

If the rash is recurring, you can turn to your doctor who will prescribe antiviral tablets. These drugs can not eradicate the virus but to reduce the frequency of seizures.

To learn more about herpes labialis with EurekaSanté, the public medical site edited by Vidal.

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