
What causes allergic rhinitis and what kinds, and it treated?

Publié par happy-diet mercredi 14 avril 2010

What causes allergic rhinitis and what kinds, and it treated?

What causes allergic rhinitis?
There are many elements allergens, including:

Plant pollen
Dust particles
Animal dander
Some foods such as fish, eggs and milk

The moth corn dust from the more allergens in the world, including Saudi Arabia, especially in coastal areas which, because the corn dust mites like to live in a cozy atmosphere with high humidity.

What are the types of allergic rhinitis?

There are two types of allergic rhinitis:

Seasonal allergy

And sensitivity of the ongoing

There is no difference, but look the difference in the etiology, seasonal allergy comes in the spring and early summer came with the plant, and the continued sensitivity of hatching throughout the year and causes an atom of dust mites, fungi and cockroaches.

There is another kind of allergy-like rhinitis called rhinitis and non-sensitive, and the difference between them is no cause can be identified by him, which shows exposure to bad weather or eating materials Kalshtp frigate or when they smell certain odors.

How to deal with allergic rhinitis?

Unfortunately, there is still no effective medication eliminates sensitivity only fully move away from the causes of all existing medicines control the symptoms but do not eliminate the disease, but most patients allergic This can enjoy a normal life free from the drawbacks of the disease, which is not a serious disease is not transmitted infected, but they may be hereditary.

The treatment of nasal allergies, is based on two things:

way from the elements causing him

And drug therapy.

Stay away from allergens, and this means controlling the external environment in which they live patient by doing the following:

For the pollen plant, which frequently usually in the spring and early summer, and is recommended at such times to close the windows tightly in the home and car, and stay away from parks and gardens and the use of nasal sprays labeled sodium Kromocalaikit, for a period of six weeks before the start of the spring season.

For animals away from infected animals that caused him to allergies such as cats, horses and birds.

For corn dust mites: the objects of microscopic minute live feed on the skin cells that will pronounce the body, and when dry waste of these moths and flying in the air inhaled by allergy symptoms appear injured him. This mite lives on blankets, beds, pillows, rugs, curtains and upholstered furniture. Unfortunately, can not be eliminated but can reduce its presence following the following:

Cover pillows tissue does not retain the dust

Not to use pillows stuffed with feathers or the use of blankets made of wool.

Wash blankets pillows and beds at least once a week

The floors and carpets regularly and vacuum electrical, not injured himself doing so

Clean wet furniture Bakmacp

Reduce as much as possible the existing furniture in the bedroom and replaced the injured Curtaining metal blinds instead of the regular

To keep clothes in a locked cabinet

Do not allow animals to enter the patient room

Reduce humidity home to less than 20% and temperature to minimize possible.

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